The CashCtrl API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.
The API is only available to PRO users as it requires an API user for each organization you manage, more about that in the next section: Authentication.
To test the API you can clone your main organization into a test organization and create an API user there. To do this in CashCtrl, go to Settings Organizations Copy.
Base URL
is the sub-domain of the organization you're accessing.
The CashCtrl API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in CashCtrl under Settings Users & Roles.
You have to create an API user for each organization that you would like to access. This means that an API user can only access one organization and has the permissions defined by the role you've assigned to the API user.
You can add a new API user under Settings Users & Roles Add Add API user.
Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.
Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API key as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password. This is done for every request, not just once.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.
Retrieving the journal book entries list via curl:
Note: Replace zjdqcZjsfSYyM4EPG19tHss6X5NIHf0b
with your API key. The colon after the key prevents curl
from asking for a password.
Error handling
CashCtrl uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success (except for validation errors). Codes in the 4xx range indicate an issue with the request, for example unauthorized, forbidden or not found. Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with our servers (these are rare).
However, response codes are not used to indicate form validation errors (like a missing ID or incorrect date). Instead, you will get a HTTP 200 OK and the JSON response will contain a field named "success" which is either true or false. If false, there will be another field named "errors" which contains one or multiple errors, see example response.
HTTP status codes
200 - OK |
200 - OK Everything worked as expected. However, form validation errors are
still possible, see example response. |
401 - Unauthorized |
401 - Unauthorized No valid API key provided. |
403 - Forbidden |
403 - Forbidden The API key doesn't have permissions to perform
the request. |
404 - Not Found |
404 - Not Found The requested endpoint doesn't exist. |
405 - Method Not Allowed |
405 - Method Not Allowed The HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) used is not
allowed. |
418 - I'm a teapot |
418 - I'm a teapot Error you get when CashCtrl is a teapot and not a
coffee pot. |
429 - Too Many Requests |
429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We
recommend adding delays between your requests. For more information, see our
Terms of Service. |
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors |
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors Something went wrong on our end -
not your fault. Please contact support. |
Example response
This is an example response with a HTTP status of 200 but containing form validation errors:
{ "success": false, "errors": [ { "field": "debitId", "message": "This field cannot be empty." }, { "field": "creditId", "message": "This field cannot be empty." }, { "field": "amount", "message": "This field cannot be empty." } ] }
Unlike a regular user an API user does not have user preferences with a defined language. Instead the desired
language is sent with each request. Simply add the following request parameter: lang
(e.g. lang=en).
Available languages: de, fr, it, en.
For most JSON requests the language won't matter as the response only contains data, and the data may contain all languages or more accurately the languages of the data that has been entered by the user. It matters mostly for error messages and generated PDFs, Excel sheets and CSV files which will come in one language only.
Retrieving the annual report PDF in German via curl:
The following examples use cURL to perform various tasks via the API.
Note for all examples: Replace myorg
with the sub-domain of the organization you're accessing. And
replace zjdqcZjsfSYyM4EPG19tHss6X5NIHf0b
with your API key. The colon after the key prevents curl
from asking for a password.
Get journal book entries
Retrieves the journal book entries for the current fiscal period:
Add a new location
Adds a location for your organization. This includes setting the logo from an uploaded file. To upload the file first, see Upload one or multiple files below.
Import vCards
Imports a vCard (.vcf) file into the list of people. For this to work, you must first upload a file. See Upload one or multiple files below.
Step 1: Create import session
Step 2: Execute the import
Use the insertId information from the response of the first step as the ID here.
Add a manual book entry
Creates a new book entry in the journal. You may need to adapt the account IDs (debitId/creditId) according to your chart of accounts:
Add a collective book entry
Creates a new collective book entry in the journal. The items are encoded as JSON, which has to be properly escaped:
Add an invoice
Creates a new sales invoice. The items are encoded as JSON, which has to be properly escaped. This example also creates a new person named "New customer" (use a person ID otherwise).
Add person with custom fields
Creates a new person with additional custom fields. Custom fields are XML-encoded. Assuming two custom fields with identifier customField1 and customField2 have been created beforehand:
Get the annual report PDF
Retrieves the annual report PDF in French:
Upload one or multiple files
There are three steps to uploading files: Prepare Put Persist. Let's say we upload two files: report.pdf and image.png.
Step 1: Prepare
We first inform CashCtrl of the file names and mime types of the files we are going to upload:
This will return a list of file IDs and pre-authenticated write URLs where you can upload the files using the HTTP PUT method. Example response:
{ "success": true, "data": [ { "fileId": 24, "writeUrl": "" }, { "fileId": 25, "writeUrl": "" } ] }
Step 2: Put
In the second step, we actually upload the files via HTTP PUT:
curl --upload-file image.png
The files have now been uploaded and are marked temporary. They will be deleted within 4 hours unless persisted with the final step. This final step depends on what you want to do. Note that any of these steps persists the temporary files.
Step 3.a) Persist directly
You just want to save the files and see them in the CashCtrl file manager:
Step 3.b) Persist with additional information
You want to add a description, notes, custom fields, etc. to each file, instead of just persisting the files:
curl -u zjdqcZjsfSYyM4EPG19tHss6X5NIHf0b: -X POST -F "id=25" -F "name=image.png" "notes=Some API generated notes"
Step 3.c) Attach to an entry
You want to attach the files to a Person entry (id
being the Person ID):
Step 3.d) Use the file as a logo, or for importing something
You want to set the file as the logo of your organization or a location. See Add new location
example above. You basically set a parameter named logoFileId
(or similar) in the corresponding endpoint.
Or you want to Import a vCard file for importing contacts.
Download a file
Downloads a file that you have previously uploaded (see previous example).
Please be aware that the response may redirect to the actual file URL (a pre-authenticated cloud storage URL), so be
sure to handle redirects. Using cURL, we can simply add the -L
The following API endpoints are for managing accounts. To avoid confusion: We are talking about financial accounts (assets, liabilities, etc.), i.e. the chart of accounts, not user accounts and not bank accounts.
Read account
Returns a single account by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List accounts
Returns a list of all accounts.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Account category. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active accounts. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the account list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Account category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active accounts. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the account list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Account category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active accounts. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the account list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Account category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active accounts. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Get account balance
Returns the balance of a single account for the given date.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account. |
date | date optional DATE The date for the balance (always end of day). Defaults to the last day of the current fiscal period. See Switch fiscal period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Create account
Creates a new account. The account number must be unique. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category. See Account category. | ||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the account. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
number | number mandatory TEXT MAX:20 The account number. Must be numeric but can contain a decimal point. | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers, if this account is either an expense or revenue account. This is a JSON array
| ||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the account's currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark this account as inactive. Inactive accounts are greyed out in the list and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||
targetMax | targetMax optional NUMBER The target maximum balance (aka budget) you hope this account to stay beneath of by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. | ||||
targetMin | targetMin optional NUMBER The target minimum balance you hope this account to hit by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. | ||||
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate associated with this account. See Tax rates. |
Update account
Updates an existing account. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category. See Account category. | ||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account to update. | ||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the account. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
number | number mandatory TEXT MAX:20 The account number. Must be numeric but can contain a decimal point. | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers, if this account is either an expense or revenue account. This is a JSON array
| ||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the account's currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark this account as inactive. Inactive accounts are greyed out in the list and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||
targetMax | targetMax optional NUMBER The target maximum balance (aka budget) you hope this account to stay beneath of by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. | ||||
targetMin | targetMin optional NUMBER The target minimum balance you hope this account to hit by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. | ||||
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate associated with this account. See Tax rates. |
Delete accounts
Deletes one or multiple accounts. Only unused accounts can be deleted (accounts without any journal entries). Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Categorize accounts
Assigns one or multiple accounts to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of an account. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
Bank account
The following API endpoints are for managing bank accounts.
Read bank account
Returns a single bank account by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List bank accounts
Returns a list of all bank accounts.
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the bank account list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the bank account list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the bank account list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. |
Create bank account
Creates a new bank account. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
bic | bic mandatory TEXT MAX:11 The BIC (Business Identifier Code) of your bank. |
iban | iban mandatory TEXT MAX:32 The IBAN (International Bank Account Number). |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the bank account. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of bank account, i.e. what is the bank account used for? Possible values: DEFAULT, ORDER, SALARY, HISTORICAL, OTHER. |
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER The ID of the financial account linked to this bank account. See Account. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark this bank account as inactive. Inactive bank accounts are greyed out in the list and are no longer suggested by the app. Possible values: true, false. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
qrFirstDigits | qrFirstDigits optional NUMBER MAX:8 The first few digits of the Swiss QR reference (0 by default). This is specific to Switzerland. |
qrIban | qrIban optional TEXT MAX:32 The QR-IBAN, which is an IBAN especially for QR invoices (former ESR). This is specific to Switzerland. |
url | url optional TEXT MAX:255 An optional URL for the bank's e-banking portal. |
Update bank account
Updates an existing bank account. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
bic | bic mandatory TEXT MAX:11 The BIC (Business Identifier Code) of your bank. |
iban | iban mandatory TEXT MAX:32 The IBAN (International Bank Account Number). |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the bank account to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the bank account. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of bank account, i.e. what is the bank account used for? Possible values: DEFAULT, ORDER, SALARY, HISTORICAL, OTHER. |
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER The ID of the financial account linked to this bank account. See Account. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark this bank account as inactive. Inactive bank accounts are greyed out in the list and are no longer suggested by the app. Possible values: true, false. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
qrFirstDigits | qrFirstDigits optional NUMBER MAX:8 The first few digits of the Swiss QR reference (0 by default). This is specific to Switzerland. |
qrIban | qrIban optional TEXT MAX:32 The QR-IBAN, which is an IBAN especially for QR invoices (former ESR). This is specific to Switzerland. |
url | url optional TEXT MAX:255 An optional URL for the bank's e-banking portal. |
Delete bank accounts
Deletes one or multiple bank accounts. Only unused bank accounts can be deleted (which are not referenced anywhere). Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of a bank account. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
The following API endpoints are for managing account categories. Note that the top categories (assets, liabilities, etc.) cannot be manipulated.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of all categories.
Get tree of categories
Returns a tree of all categories or the tree below a parent category.
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the parent category (omit to get all categories). |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the account category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 The number of the account category according to the chart of accounts. Must be numeric. This is used for sorting the categories. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the account category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 The number of the account category according to the chart of accounts. Must be numeric. This is used for sorting the categories. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Cost center
The following API endpoints are for managing cost centers.
Read cost center
Returns a single cost center by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List cost centers
Returns a list of all cost centers.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Cost center category. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the cost center list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Cost center category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the cost center list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Cost center category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the cost center list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter the list by. See Cost center category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the balances. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include active cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. |
Get cost center balance
Returns the balance of a single cost center for the given date.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the cost center. |
date | date optional DATE The date for the balance (always end of day). Defaults to the last day of the current fiscal period. See Switch fiscal period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Create cost center
Creates a new cost center. The cost center number must be unique. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the cost center. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number mandatory TEXT MAX:20 The cost center number. Must be numeric but can contain a decimal point. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Cost center category. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark this cost center as inactive. Inactive cost centers are greyed out in the list and are no longer suggested by the app. Possible values: true, false. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
targetMax | targetMax optional NUMBER The target maximum balance (aka budget) you hope this cost center to stay beneath of by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. |
targetMin | targetMin optional NUMBER The target minimum balance you hope this cost center / cost unit to hit by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. |
Update cost center
Updates an existing cost center. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the cost center to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the cost center. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number mandatory TEXT MAX:20 The cost center number. Must be numeric but can contain a decimal point. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Cost center category. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark this cost center as inactive. Inactive cost centers are greyed out in the list and are no longer suggested by the app. Possible values: true, false. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
targetMax | targetMax optional NUMBER The target maximum balance (aka budget) you hope this cost center to stay beneath of by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. |
targetMin | targetMin optional NUMBER The target minimum balance you hope this cost center / cost unit to hit by the end of the fiscal period. This will then be displayed by the Targets report, comparing your target to the actual balance. Please first switch to the desired fiscal period to set the target for that period, see Switch fiscal period. |
Delete cost centers
Deletes one or multiple cost centers. Only unused cost centers can be deleted (cost centers without any journal entries). Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Categorize cost centers
Assigns one or multiple cost centers to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of a cost center. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
Cost center category
The following API endpoints are for managing cost center categories.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of all categories.
Get tree of categories
Returns a tree of all categories or the tree below a parent category.
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the parent category (omit to get all categories). |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the cost center category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 An optional number for the cost center category. Must be numeric. This is used for sorting the categories. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the cost center category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 An optional number for the cost center category. Must be numeric. This is used for sorting the categories. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing currencies.
Read currency
Returns a single currency by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List currencies
Returns a list of all currencies.
Create currency
Creates a new currency. The currency code must be unique. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
code | code mandatory TEXT MIN:3 MAX:3 The 3-characters currency code, like CHF, EUR, etc. |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:50 An optional description of the currency. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Use the currency as the default / main currency. This can only be set if there are no book entries yet. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
rate | rate optional NUMBER The exchange rate of this currency into the default currency. If this currency is the default currency, then the rate is 1. For most currencies, CashCtrl automatically retrieves the exchange rate, so this doesn't have to be set and will be ignored. Only set the rate for unsupported currencies. For supported currencies, see Get exchange rate. |
Update currency
Updates an existing currency. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
code | code mandatory TEXT MIN:3 MAX:3 The 3-characters currency code, like CHF, EUR, etc. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the currency to update. |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:50 An optional description of the currency. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Use the currency as the default / main currency. This can only be set if there are no book entries yet. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
rate | rate optional NUMBER The exchange rate of this currency into the default currency. If this currency is the default currency, then the rate is 1. For most currencies, CashCtrl automatically retrieves the exchange rate, so this doesn't have to be set and will be ignored. Only set the rate for unsupported currencies. For supported currencies, see Get exchange rate. |
Delete currencies
Deletes one or multiple currencies. Only unused currencies can be deleted, and the main currency cannot be deleted (switch first). Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Get exchange rate
Returns the exchange rate between two currencies for a specific date.
from | from mandatory TEXT The source currency to convert. Possible values: AUD, BTC, CAD, CHF, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, INR, JPY, RUB, SEK, THB, USD. |
to | to mandatory TEXT The target currency to convert into. Possible values: AUD, BTC, CAD, CHF, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, INR, JPY, RUB, SEK, THB, USD. |
date | date optional DATE The date for the exchange rate. Leave empty to use today. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Custom field
The following API endpoints are for managing custom fields. An infinite number of custom fields can be defined for all main modules (Journal, Account, Inventory, Order, Person).
Read custom field
Returns a single custom field by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List custom fields
Returns a list of custom fields by type.
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of custom field, meaning: which module the custom field belongs to. Possible values: JOURNAL, ACCOUNT, INVENTORY_ARTICLE, INVENTORY_ASSET, ORDER, PERSON, FILE, SALARY_STATEMENT. |
Create custom field
Creates a new custom field for the given type. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
dataType | dataType mandatory TEXT The data type of the custom field. Possible values: TEXT, TEXTAREA, CHECKBOX, DATE, COMBOBOX, NUMBER, ACCOUNT, PERSON. |
rowLabel | rowLabel mandatory TEXT MAX:100 Label displayed left of the field. If multiple custom fields have the same This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of custom field, meaning: which module the custom field belongs to. Possible values: JOURNAL, ACCOUNT, INVENTORY_ARTICLE, INVENTORY_ASSET, ORDER, PERSON, FILE, SALARY_STATEMENT. |
fieldInfo | fieldInfo optional TEXT MAX:240 An optional description of the custom field (displayed by hovering over an info icon). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
fieldLabel | fieldLabel optional TEXT MAX:100 Smaller label displayed above the field. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
fieldTextRight | fieldTextRight optional TEXT MAX:20 Optional text displayed right of the field. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
groupId | groupId optional TEXT The ID of the custom field group. If empty, the custom field is in the default group 'More'. Groups are basically displayed as tabs in the edit dialog, whereas the default tab is 'More'. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the custom field as inactive. Inactive custom fields are no longer displayed anywhere. However, the data is not removed, as opposed to deleting the custom field. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isMulti | isMulti optional BOOLEAN Is the custom field a multi-field? Multi-fields can have multiple values. The data is then stored as JSON array, like for example |
maxWidth | maxWidth optional NUMBER MIN:30.0 The maximum width of the field. By default, the field width is stretched. |
values | values optional TEXT Values the user can choose from, if the data type is COMBOBOX. Ignored otherwise. Use the JSON format like this: |
variableName | variableName optional TEXT MAX:32 An optional, more meaningful variable name, instead of the default $customField |
Update custom field
Updates an existing custom field. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
dataType | dataType mandatory TEXT The data type of the custom field. Possible values: TEXT, TEXTAREA, CHECKBOX, DATE, COMBOBOX, NUMBER, ACCOUNT, PERSON. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the custom field to update. |
rowLabel | rowLabel mandatory TEXT MAX:100 Label displayed left of the field. If multiple custom fields have the same This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of custom field, meaning: which module the custom field belongs to. Possible values: JOURNAL, ACCOUNT, INVENTORY_ARTICLE, INVENTORY_ASSET, ORDER, PERSON, FILE, SALARY_STATEMENT. |
fieldInfo | fieldInfo optional TEXT MAX:240 An optional description of the custom field (displayed by hovering over an info icon). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
fieldLabel | fieldLabel optional TEXT MAX:100 Smaller label displayed above the field. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
fieldTextRight | fieldTextRight optional TEXT MAX:20 Optional text displayed right of the field. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
groupId | groupId optional TEXT The ID of the custom field group. If empty, the custom field is in the default group 'More'. Groups are basically displayed as tabs in the edit dialog, whereas the default tab is 'More'. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the custom field as inactive. Inactive custom fields are no longer displayed anywhere. However, the data is not removed, as opposed to deleting the custom field. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isMulti | isMulti optional BOOLEAN Is the custom field a multi-field? Multi-fields can have multiple values. The data is then stored as JSON array, like for example |
maxWidth | maxWidth optional NUMBER MIN:30.0 The maximum width of the field. By default, the field width is stretched. |
values | values optional TEXT Values the user can choose from, if the data type is COMBOBOX. Ignored otherwise. Use the JSON format like this: |
variableName | variableName optional TEXT MAX:32 An optional, more meaningful variable name, instead of the default $customField |
Delete custom field
Deletes one or multiple custom fields. Note that you can delete custom fields even if they hava data. All data of deleted custom fields will be lost. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Reorder custom fields
Changes the order of one or multiple custom fields. This is the order in which the custom fields are displayed. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to reorder, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target entry. The entries (see |
before | before optional BOOLEAN Reorder before the target entry, after otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. |
Get custom field types
Returns a list of custom field types, with type
and i18nKey
Custom field group
The following API endpoints are for managing custom field groups. A group is displayed as a tab in the edit dialog (e.g. of an article), and you can have multiple such tabs to maintain a tidy UI. Custom fields that do not have a group go in a tab named 'More' by default.
Read custom field group
Returns a single custom field group by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List custom field groups
Returns a list of custom field groups.
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of custom field group, meaning: which module the custom field group belongs to. Possible values: JOURNAL, ACCOUNT, INVENTORY_ARTICLE, INVENTORY_ASSET, ORDER, PERSON, FILE, SALARY_STATEMENT. |
Create custom field group
Creates a new custom field group. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the group. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of group, meaning: which module the group belongs to. Possible values: JOURNAL, ACCOUNT, INVENTORY_ARTICLE, INVENTORY_ASSET, ORDER, PERSON, FILE, SALARY_STATEMENT. |
Update custom field group
Updates an existing custom field group. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the group to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the group. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of group, meaning: which module the group belongs to. Possible values: JOURNAL, ACCOUNT, INVENTORY_ARTICLE, INVENTORY_ASSET, ORDER, PERSON, FILE, SALARY_STATEMENT. |
Delete custom field group
Deletes one or multiple custom field groups. This does not delete any custom fields, and no data will be lost. The custom fields in that group just won't have a group anymore and will be displayed in the default 'More' tab. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Reorder custom field groups
Changes the order of one or multiple custom field groups. This is the order in which the tabs are displayed in the edit dialog. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to reorder, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target entry. The entries (see |
before | before optional BOOLEAN Reorder before the target entry, after otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. |
The following API endpoints are for retrieving the history / audit log.
List history
Returns the history list.
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
orderId | orderId optional NUMBER ID of order to retrieve the history for. See Order. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER ID of person to retrieve the history for. See Person. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
statementId | statementId optional NUMBER ID of salary statement to retrieve the history for. See Salary statement. |
The following API endpoints are for managing roundings. These rounding configurations are mainly used for rounding the grand total of orders (invoices, etc.).
Read rounding
Returns a single rounding by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List roundings
Returns a list of all roundings.
Create rounding
Creates a new rounding. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account onto which the rounding amount is booked. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe the rounding method (e.g. 'Round to 0.05'). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
rounding | rounding mandatory NUMBER MIN:0.0 The rounding amount (e.g. 0.05 to round to five cents). |
mode | mode optional TEXT The rounding mode. Defaults to HALF_UP. Possible values: UP, DOWN, CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN, UNNECESSARY. |
Update rounding
Updates an existing rounding. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account onto which the rounding amount is booked. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the rounding to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe the rounding method (e.g. 'Round to 0.05'). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
rounding | rounding mandatory NUMBER MIN:0.0 The rounding amount (e.g. 0.05 to round to five cents). |
mode | mode optional TEXT The rounding mode. Defaults to HALF_UP. Possible values: UP, DOWN, CEILING, FLOOR, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN, HALF_EVEN, UNNECESSARY. |
Delete roundings
Deletes one or multiple roundings. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Sequence number
The following API endpoints are for managing sequence numbers. Sequence numbers are used for generating new numbers for journal entries (reference / receipt no.), inventory articles (article no.), orders (invoice no., etc.) and people (customer/vendor no.).
Read sequence number
Returns a single sequence number by ID or type and optionally category.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the sequence number. Either |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of the sequence number, meaning: which module the sequence number belongs to. Either |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER Optional ID of the category where a sequence number is defined. This only works together with the |
date | date optional DATE An optional date, which will influence the next sequence number to be generated. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Get generated number
Returns the next generated number for the given ID or type and optionally category.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the sequence number. Either |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of the sequence number, meaning: which module the sequence number belongs to. Either |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER Optional ID of the category where a sequence number is defined. This only works together with the |
date | date optional DATE An optional date, which will influence the next sequence number to be generated. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
List sequence numbers
Returns a list of all sequence numbers.
Create sequence number
Creates a new sequence number. Note that you cannot assign the sequence number to a type (e.g. Journal) here, this is done in the Settings or in the corresponding category (e.g. Order category). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the sequence number. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
pattern | pattern mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The sequence number pattern, which consists of variables and arbitrary text from which a sequence number will be generated. Possible variables: $y = Current year. $m = Current month. $d = Current day. $ny = Sequence number, resets annually (on Jan 1st). $nm = Sequence number, resets monthly. $nd = Sequence number, resets daily. $nn = Sequence number, never resets. Example pattern: |
currentDailyNumber | currentDailyNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the daily number (variable $nd). Defaults to 1. |
currentInfiniteNumber | currentInfiniteNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the infinite number (variable $nn). Defaults to 1. |
currentMonthlyNumber | currentMonthlyNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the monthly number (variable $nm). Defaults to 1. |
currentYearlyNumber | currentYearlyNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the yearly number (variable $ny). Defaults to 1. |
dailyNumberDigits | dailyNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the daily number (variable $nd). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
dayDigits | dayDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the current day (variable $d). Defaults to 2. |
infiniteNumberDigits | infiniteNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the infinite number (variable $nn). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
isSkipExisting | isSkipExisting optional BOOLEAN Automatically skip existing sequence numbers? Example: If the next number is 500, but 500 already exists, it will increment the sequence number until a free one is found (max. 100 tries). Possible values: true, false. |
monthDigits | monthDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the current month (variable $m). Defaults to 2. |
monthlyNumberDigits | monthlyNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the monthly number (variable $nm). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
yearDigits | yearDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the current year (variable $y). Defaults to 4. |
yearlyNumberDigits | yearlyNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the yearly number (variable $ny). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
Update sequence number
Updates an existing sequence number. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the sequence number to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the sequence number. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
pattern | pattern mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The sequence number pattern, which consists of variables and arbitrary text from which a sequence number will be generated. Possible variables: $y = Current year. $m = Current month. $d = Current day. $ny = Sequence number, resets annually (on Jan 1st). $nm = Sequence number, resets monthly. $nd = Sequence number, resets daily. $nn = Sequence number, never resets. Example pattern: |
currentDailyNumber | currentDailyNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the daily number (variable $nd). Defaults to 1. |
currentInfiniteNumber | currentInfiniteNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the infinite number (variable $nn). Defaults to 1. |
currentMonthlyNumber | currentMonthlyNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the monthly number (variable $nm). Defaults to 1. |
currentYearlyNumber | currentYearlyNumber optional NUMBER The current value of the yearly number (variable $ny). Defaults to 1. |
dailyNumberDigits | dailyNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the daily number (variable $nd). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
dayDigits | dayDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the current day (variable $d). Defaults to 2. |
infiniteNumberDigits | infiniteNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the infinite number (variable $nn). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
isSkipExisting | isSkipExisting optional BOOLEAN Automatically skip existing sequence numbers? Example: If the next number is 500, but 500 already exists, it will increment the sequence number until a free one is found (max. 100 tries). Possible values: true, false. |
monthDigits | monthDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the current month (variable $m). Defaults to 2. |
monthlyNumberDigits | monthlyNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the monthly number (variable $nm). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
yearDigits | yearDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the current year (variable $y). Defaults to 4. |
yearlyNumberDigits | yearlyNumberDigits optional NUMBER The number of digits for the yearly number (variable $ny). If the number of digits are lower than this, the number will be prepended by zeroes (e.g. 0001 if 4 digits). Defaults to 1. |
Delete sequence number
Deletes one or multiple sequence numbers. Only unused sequence numbers can be deleted. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Tax rate
The following API endpoints are for managing tax rates. Tax rates are used e.g. in order items or in journal entries directly. They can also be pre-configured in accounts so they will be automatically used with the corresponding account.
Read tax rate
Returns a single tax rate by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List tax rates
Returns a list of all tax rates.
Create tax rate
Creates a new tax rate. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account which collects the taxes. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 A name to describe and identify the tax rate. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
percentage | percentage mandatory NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 The tax rate percentage. This cannot be changed anymore if the tax rate has been used already. |
calcType | calcType optional TEXT The calculation basis of the tax rate. NET means the tax rate is based on the net revenue and GROSS means the tax rate is based on the gross revenue. Note that this only applies to the regular tax rate percentage, not the flat tax rate percentage (where always GROSS is used). Defaults to NET. Possible values: NET, GROSS. |
documentName | documentName optional TEXT MAX:50 The name for the tax rate displayed on documents (seen by customers). Leave empty to use the This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the tax rate as inactive. This means that the tax rate is greyed out and no longer suggested. Tax rates already in use cannot be deleted, but you can always set them as inactive. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
percentageFlat | percentageFlat optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 The flat tax rate percentage (Saldo-/Pauschalsteuersatz). This cannot be changed anymore if the tax rate has been used already. Note that for the flat tax, the calculation basis is always GROSS (see |
Update tax rate
Updates an existing tax rate. If a tax rate is already being used, only some fields can be changed, but e.g. not the actual tax rate. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account which collects the taxes. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the tax rate to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 A name to describe and identify the tax rate. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
percentage | percentage mandatory NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 The tax rate percentage. This cannot be changed anymore if the tax rate has been used already. |
calcType | calcType optional TEXT The calculation basis of the tax rate. NET means the tax rate is based on the net revenue and GROSS means the tax rate is based on the gross revenue. Note that this only applies to the regular tax rate percentage, not the flat tax rate percentage (where always GROSS is used). Defaults to NET. Possible values: NET, GROSS. |
documentName | documentName optional TEXT MAX:50 The name for the tax rate displayed on documents (seen by customers). Leave empty to use the This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the tax rate as inactive. This means that the tax rate is greyed out and no longer suggested. Tax rates already in use cannot be deleted, but you can always set them as inactive. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
percentageFlat | percentageFlat optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 The flat tax rate percentage (Saldo-/Pauschalsteuersatz). This cannot be changed anymore if the tax rate has been used already. Note that for the flat tax, the calculation basis is always GROSS (see |
Delete tax rate
Deletes one or multiple tax rates. Note that you cannot delete tax rates that are being used. Instead use Update tax rate to deactivate the tax rate. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Text template
The following API endpoints are for managing text templates. These are used e.g. for the text on the order document (text above / below the items table on the PDF).
Read text template
Returns a single text template by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List text templates
Returns a list of text templates by type.
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of text template, meaning: Where the text template can be used. Possible values: ORDER_HEADER, ORDER_FOOTER, ORDER_MAIL, ORDER_ITEM, SALARY_HEADER, SALARY_FOOTER, SALARY_MAIL, SALARY_CERTIFICATE_MAIL. |
Create text template
Creates a new text template. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:200 A name to describe and identify the text template. |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of text template, meaning: Where the text template can be used. Possible values: ORDER_HEADER, ORDER_FOOTER, ORDER_MAIL, ORDER_ITEM, SALARY_HEADER, SALARY_FOOTER, SALARY_MAIL, SALARY_CERTIFICATE_MAIL. |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Sets the text template as the default text template. Note that text templates defined in order categories are preferred over the default text template, see Order category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
value | value optional TEXT The actual text template. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Update text template
Updates an existing text template. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the text template to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:200 A name to describe and identify the text template. |
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of text template, meaning: Where the text template can be used. Possible values: ORDER_HEADER, ORDER_FOOTER, ORDER_MAIL, ORDER_ITEM, SALARY_HEADER, SALARY_FOOTER, SALARY_MAIL, SALARY_CERTIFICATE_MAIL. |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Sets the text template as the default text template. Note that text templates defined in order categories are preferred over the default text template, see Order category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
value | value optional TEXT The actual text template. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Delete text template
Deletes one or multiple text templates. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing files. To upload a new file, you use the Prepare files endpoint instead of the Create file endpoint. See Examples for a tutorial on how to upload a file.
Get file contents
Returns the contents (binary) of a single file by ID. Note that this will redirect to the actual file URL, as the CashCtrl main server does not deliver files. Be sure to handle redirects when using this endpoint. See example.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Read file metadata
Returns the metadata of a single file by ID. Does not contain the file binary.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List files
Returns a list of files.
archived | archived optional BOOLEAN Get archived files (only active files otherwise). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
mimeTypes | mimeTypes optional CSV Filter the file list by these mime types (comma-separated). For example, use image/* to filter by images only. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only files without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'lastUpdated'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
withoutSub | withoutSub optional BOOLEAN Flag to exclude files in sub-categories. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the files list.
archived | archived optional BOOLEAN Get archived files (only active files otherwise). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
mimeTypes | mimeTypes optional CSV Filter the file list by these mime types (comma-separated). For example, use image/* to filter by images only. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only files without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'lastUpdated'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
withoutSub | withoutSub optional BOOLEAN Flag to exclude files in sub-categories. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the files list.
archived | archived optional BOOLEAN Get archived files (only active files otherwise). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
mimeTypes | mimeTypes optional CSV Filter the file list by these mime types (comma-separated). For example, use image/* to filter by images only. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only files without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'lastUpdated'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
withoutSub | withoutSub optional BOOLEAN Flag to exclude files in sub-categories. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the files list.
archived | archived optional BOOLEAN Get archived files (only active files otherwise). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
mimeTypes | mimeTypes optional CSV Filter the file list by these mime types (comma-separated). For example, use image/* to filter by images only. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only files without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'lastUpdated'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
withoutSub | withoutSub optional BOOLEAN Flag to exclude files in sub-categories. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Prepare files
Prepares one or multiple files for uploading. This is the starting point for uploading files to CashCtrl. In this step, you only provide file metadata, not the actual file. Returns a list of file IDs and write URLs. Use the write URL to upload the file binary (using the PUT method). See the Examples for a tutorial on how to upload a file (prepare put persist).
files | files optional JSON The files to prepare. This is a JSON array
Persist files
Persists one or multiple temporary files that have been prepared and uploaded. See Prepare files endpoint.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Create file
Creates a new file. This endpoint cannot be used to upload a new file. See Prepare files endpoint. This endpoint makes an uploaded file permanent. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory TEXT The ID of the uploaded temporary file. See Prepare files endpoint. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The file name. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See File category. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:240 A description for the file. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Update file
Updates an existing file (only metadata, not binary). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the file to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The file name. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See File category. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:240 A description for the file. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
replaceWith | replaceWith optional NUMBER Optionally replace the file binary (contents) with the binary from another file. Set the file ID here. That file must be a temporary file (not persisted yet). See Prepare files endpoint. |
Delete files
Deletes one or multiple files. This first archives the files (moves them to the recycle bin), unless force
is set. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
force | force optional BOOLEAN Force permanent deletion of file (do not archive first). Possible values: true, false. |
Categorize files
Assigns one or multiple files to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Empty archive
Deletes all files that have been archived (moved to the recycle bin). Returns either a success or error message.
Restore files
Restores one or multiple files that have been archived (moved to recycle bin). Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
File category
The following API endpoints are for managing file categories.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of all categories.
Get tree of categories
Returns a tree of all categories or the tree below a parent category.
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the parent category (omit to get all categories). |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing articles. These are physical products that can have a stock, or services.
Read article
Returns a single article by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List articles
Returns a list of articles.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active articles. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyRestock | onlyRestock optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles that need to be restocked. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'nr'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the entries list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active articles. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyRestock | onlyRestock optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles that need to be restocked. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'nr'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the entries list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active articles. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyRestock | onlyRestock optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles that need to be restocked. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'nr'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the entries list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active articles. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyRestock | onlyRestock optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles that need to be restocked. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only articles without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'nr'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Create article
Creates a new article. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:240 The name of the article. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
binLocation | binLocation optional TEXT The place within the building (e.g. A15, B04, C11, etc.) to locate the article. See |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Article category. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT A description of the article. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the article as inactive. The article will be greyed out. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isPurchasePriceGross | isPurchasePriceGross optional BOOLEAN The purchase price is net (excluding tax) by default. This defines the purchase price as gross (including tax). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isSalesPriceGross | isSalesPriceGross optional BOOLEAN The sales price is net (excluding tax) by default. This defines the sales price as gross (including tax). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isStockArticle | isStockArticle optional BOOLEAN Whether the article has a stock, i.e. the stock should be tracked and updated via sales and purchase orders. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
lastPurchasePrice | lastPurchasePrice optional NUMBER The last purchase price of the article. Net (excluding tax) by default, see |
locationId | locationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location where the article can be found (e.g. a warehouse). See Location. Note that this represents the building whereas the |
maxStock | maxStock optional NUMBER The desired maximum stock of the article. |
minStock | minStock optional NUMBER The desired minimum stock of the article. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The article number. Leave empty to generate the number with |
salesPrice | salesPrice optional NUMBER The sales price of the article. Net (excluding tax) by default, see |
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the article number (see |
stock | stock optional NUMBER The current stock of the article. |
unitId | unitId optional TEXT The ID of the unit (like pcs., meters, liters, etc.). See Units. |
Update article
Updates an existing article. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the article to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:240 The name of the article. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
binLocation | binLocation optional TEXT The place within the building (e.g. A15, B04, C11, etc.) to locate the article. See |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Article category. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT A description of the article. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the article as inactive. The article will be greyed out. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isPurchasePriceGross | isPurchasePriceGross optional BOOLEAN The purchase price is net (excluding tax) by default. This defines the purchase price as gross (including tax). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isSalesPriceGross | isSalesPriceGross optional BOOLEAN The sales price is net (excluding tax) by default. This defines the sales price as gross (including tax). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isStockArticle | isStockArticle optional BOOLEAN Whether the article has a stock, i.e. the stock should be tracked and updated via sales and purchase orders. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
lastPurchasePrice | lastPurchasePrice optional NUMBER The last purchase price of the article. Net (excluding tax) by default, see |
locationId | locationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location where the article can be found (e.g. a warehouse). See Location. Note that this represents the building whereas the |
maxStock | maxStock optional NUMBER The desired maximum stock of the article. |
minStock | minStock optional NUMBER The desired minimum stock of the article. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The article number. Leave empty to generate the number with |
salesPrice | salesPrice optional NUMBER The sales price of the article. Net (excluding tax) by default, see |
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the article number (see |
stock | stock optional NUMBER The current stock of the article. |
unitId | unitId optional TEXT The ID of the unit (like pcs., meters, liters, etc.). See Units. |
Delete articles
Deletes one or multiple articles. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Categorize articles
Assigns one or multiple articles to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of an article. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
Article category
The following API endpoints are for managing article categories.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of all categories.
Get tree of categories
Returns a tree of all categories or the tree below a parent category.
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the parent category (omit to get all categories). |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers for all articles in this category. These will be used in order items, when selecting the article. If allocations are set here, they override any allocations that would be automatically made by the corresponding sales/purchase account. This is a JSON array
| ||||
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. | ||||
purchaseAccountId | purchaseAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the purchase account, which will be used when purchasing articles in this category through Orders. | ||||
salesAccountId | salesAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the sales account, which will be used when selling aticles in this category through Orders. | ||||
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for services in this category. If empty, the sequence number of the parent category is inherited. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. | ||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers for all articles in this category. These will be used in order items, when selecting the article. If allocations are set here, they override any allocations that would be automatically made by the corresponding sales/purchase account. This is a JSON array
| ||||
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. | ||||
purchaseAccountId | purchaseAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the purchase account, which will be used when purchasing articles in this category through Orders. | ||||
salesAccountId | salesAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the sales account, which will be used when selling aticles in this category through Orders. | ||||
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for services in this category. If empty, the sequence number of the parent category is inherited. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Fixed asset
The following API endpoints are for managing fixed assets.
Read fixed asset
Returns a single fixed asset by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List fixed assets
Returns a list of fixed assets. Please first switch to the appropriate fiscal period to see the entries for that period only, see Switch fiscal period.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the current values. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active fixed assets. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutDeprType | onlyWithoutDeprType optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without depreciation configured. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the entries list. Please first switch to the appropriate fiscal period to see the entries for that period only, see Switch fiscal period.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the current values. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active fixed assets. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutDeprType | onlyWithoutDeprType optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without depreciation configured. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the entries list. Please first switch to the appropriate fiscal period to see the entries for that period only, see Switch fiscal period.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the current values. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active fixed assets. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutDeprType | onlyWithoutDeprType optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without depreciation configured. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the entries list. Please first switch to the appropriate fiscal period to see the entries for that period only, see Switch fiscal period.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the current values. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active fixed assets. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutDeprType | onlyWithoutDeprType optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only fixed assets without depreciation configured. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Create fixed asset
Creates a new fixed asset. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account onto which the fixed asset is booked (e.g. Mobile assets). See Account. |
dateAdded | dateAdded mandatory DATE The date when the fixed asset has been added. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:240 The name of the fixed asset. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
purchasePrice | purchasePrice mandatory NUMBER The initial purchase price of the fixed asset. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Fixed asset category. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
dateDisposed | dateDisposed optional DATE The date of the disposal. Must be set if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
deprAccountId | deprAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the depreciation account (an expense account for depreciations). Must be set if |
deprDuration | deprDuration optional NUMBER The duration of the depreciation in years. Must be set if |
deprSalvageValue | deprSalvageValue optional NUMBER The salvage value after depreciation is finished. This is the book value the fixed asset will retain afterwards. Defaults to 0. |
deprType | deprType optional TEXT The type of depreciation. Defaults to NONE (no deprecation). Possible values: NONE, LINEAR, DEGRESSIVE. |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:512 A description of the fixed asset. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
disposalDebitId | disposalDebitId optional NUMBER The ID of the account for the disposal (an expense account for disposals, similar to depreciation). Must be set if |
disposalType | disposalType optional TEXT The type of disposal. Defaults to NONE. Possible values: NONE, DIRECT, SALE_DIRECT. |
initialValue | initialValue optional NUMBER The initial value of the fixed asset. If |
locationId | locationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location where the fixed asset can be found (e.g. a warehouse). See Location. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The article number. Leave empty to generate the number with |
purchaseCreditId | purchaseCreditId optional NUMBER The ID of the account for the fixed asset purchase (e.g. Bank account). See Account. |
purchaseTaxId | purchaseTaxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate for the purchase of the fixed asset. See Tax rates. |
purchaseType | purchaseType optional TEXT The type of purchase. Defaults to DIRECT. Possible values: DIRECT, HISTORICAL. |
saleAmount | saleAmount optional NUMBER The sale amount of the fixed asset, if the fixed asset has been sold. Must be set if |
saleCreditId | saleCreditId optional NUMBER The ID of the credit account for the sale of the fixed asset. Must be set if |
saleDebitId | saleDebitId optional NUMBER The ID of the debit account for the sale of the fixed asset. Must be set if |
saleTaxId | saleTaxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate for the sale of the fixed asset. Can be set if |
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the article number (see |
Update fixed asset
Updates an existing fixed asset. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account onto which the fixed asset is booked (e.g. Mobile assets). See Account. |
dateAdded | dateAdded mandatory DATE The date when the fixed asset has been added. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fixed asset to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:240 The name of the fixed asset. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
purchasePrice | purchasePrice mandatory NUMBER The initial purchase price of the fixed asset. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Fixed asset category. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
dateDisposed | dateDisposed optional DATE The date of the disposal. Must be set if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
deprAccountId | deprAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the depreciation account (an expense account for depreciations). Must be set if |
deprDuration | deprDuration optional NUMBER The duration of the depreciation in years. Must be set if |
deprSalvageValue | deprSalvageValue optional NUMBER The salvage value after depreciation is finished. This is the book value the fixed asset will retain afterwards. Defaults to 0. |
deprType | deprType optional TEXT The type of depreciation. Defaults to NONE (no deprecation). Possible values: NONE, LINEAR, DEGRESSIVE. |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:512 A description of the fixed asset. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
disposalDebitId | disposalDebitId optional NUMBER The ID of the account for the disposal (an expense account for disposals, similar to depreciation). Must be set if |
disposalType | disposalType optional TEXT The type of disposal. Defaults to NONE. Possible values: NONE, DIRECT, SALE_DIRECT. |
initialValue | initialValue optional NUMBER The initial value of the fixed asset. If |
locationId | locationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location where the fixed asset can be found (e.g. a warehouse). See Location. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The article number. Leave empty to generate the number with |
purchaseCreditId | purchaseCreditId optional NUMBER The ID of the account for the fixed asset purchase (e.g. Bank account). See Account. |
purchaseTaxId | purchaseTaxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate for the purchase of the fixed asset. See Tax rates. |
purchaseType | purchaseType optional TEXT The type of purchase. Defaults to DIRECT. Possible values: DIRECT, HISTORICAL. |
saleAmount | saleAmount optional NUMBER The sale amount of the fixed asset, if the fixed asset has been sold. Must be set if |
saleCreditId | saleCreditId optional NUMBER The ID of the credit account for the sale of the fixed asset. Must be set if |
saleDebitId | saleDebitId optional NUMBER The ID of the debit account for the sale of the fixed asset. Must be set if |
saleTaxId | saleTaxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate for the sale of the fixed asset. Can be set if |
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the article number (see |
Delete fixed assets
Deletes one or multiple fixed assets. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Categorize fixed assets
Assigns one or multiple fixed assets to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of a fixed asset. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
Fixed asset category
The following API endpoints are for managing fixed asset categories.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of all categories.
Get tree of categories
Returns a tree of all categories or the tree below a parent category.
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the parent category (omit to get all categories). |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for importing articles from a file, either a vCard, Excel or CSV file.
Create import
Creates a new import session. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
fileId | fileId mandatory NUMBER File to import. Valid formats: Excel and CSV. Max. size: 5 MB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER Category for all new articles, overriding imported categories. |
Define mapping
Defines the mapping from Excel / CSV column header names to CashCtrl fields. See List mapping fields endpoint for a list of field names. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER Import session ID from the Create endpoint. | ||||
mapping | mapping mandatory JSON Mapping from columns (Excel/CSV) to fields in CashCtrl. This is a JSON array
List mapping fields
Lists the fields available in CashCtrl for mapping. Used in the Define mapping endpoint.
Preview import
Previews the imported articles. Returns a list of articles that will be imported. This step can be omitted.
id | id mandatory NUMBER Import session ID from the Create endpoint. |
Execute import
Executes the importing of articles from the import session.
id | id mandatory NUMBER Import session ID from the Create endpoint. |
indexes | indexes optional CSV Index numbers of articles to import, comma-separated. All other articles are ignored. You can get the indexes from the JSON response of the Preview endpoint. Omit this parameter to import all articles. |
The following API endpoints are for managing units. A unit can be pcs., years, hours, meters, etc. The default unit is pcs.
Read unit
Returns a single unit by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List units
Returns a list of all units.
Create unit
Creates a new unit. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name optional TEXT MAX:100 The name of the unit ('hours', 'minutes', etc.). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
Update unit
Updates an existing unit. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the unit to update. |
name | name optional TEXT MAX:100 The name of the unit ('hours', 'minutes', etc.). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
Delete units
Deletes one or multiple units. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing journal entries. Any kind of entry can be read but only manual book entries can be manipulated. Automatic book entries happen for example through orders, depreciations or currency exchange rate corrections. They cannot be manipulated here but in the respective API (e.g. Orders).
Read journal entry
Returns a single journal entry by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List journal entries
Returns a list of journal entries.
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER Optional ID of account to retrieve the journal for that specific account. | ||||||
associateId | associateId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an associate to retrieve the journal for that specific person. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCollective | onlyCollective optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include collective book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyImported | onlyImported optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include imported book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyManual | onlyManual optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include manual book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyPurchase | onlyPurchase optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include purchase order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySalary | onlySalary optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include salary book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySales | onlySales optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include sales order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyUntaxed | onlyUntaxed optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include untaxed book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the entries list.
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER Optional ID of account to retrieve the journal for that specific account. | ||||||
associateId | associateId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an associate to retrieve the journal for that specific person. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCollective | onlyCollective optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include collective book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyImported | onlyImported optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include imported book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyManual | onlyManual optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include manual book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyPurchase | onlyPurchase optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include purchase order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySalary | onlySalary optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include salary book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySales | onlySales optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include sales order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyUntaxed | onlyUntaxed optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include untaxed book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the entries list.
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER Optional ID of account to retrieve the journal for that specific account. | ||||||
associateId | associateId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an associate to retrieve the journal for that specific person. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCollective | onlyCollective optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include collective book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyImported | onlyImported optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include imported book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyManual | onlyManual optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include manual book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyPurchase | onlyPurchase optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include purchase order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySalary | onlySalary optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include salary book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySales | onlySales optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include sales order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyUntaxed | onlyUntaxed optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include untaxed book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the entries list.
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER Optional ID of account to retrieve the journal for that specific account. | ||||||
associateId | associateId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an associate to retrieve the journal for that specific person. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCollective | onlyCollective optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include collective book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyImported | onlyImported optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include imported book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyManual | onlyManual optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include manual book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyPurchase | onlyPurchase optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include purchase order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySalary | onlySalary optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include salary book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlySales | onlySales optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include sales order book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyUntaxed | onlyUntaxed optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include untaxed book entries. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Create journal entry
Creates a new manual journal entry. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
amount | amount mandatory NUMBER The amount of the book entry (e.g. 125.50). This parameter is ignored if | ||||||||||||||||||
creditId | creditId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the credit side. See Account. This parameter is ignored if | ||||||||||||||||||
debitId | debitId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the debit side. See Account. This parameter is ignored if | ||||||||||||||||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers, if there is either an expense or revenue account. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||
associateId | associateId optional TEXT The ID of the business associate (person). Instead of an ID you can also create a new person on-the-fly by entering a name here. See Person. | ||||||||||||||||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||||||||||||||||
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. | ||||||||||||||||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
dateAdded | dateAdded optional DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next book entry will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next book entry created on the start date itself. See | ||||||||||||||||||
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence. Orders repeat automatically up until this date, when the recurrence will stop. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
items | items optional JSON Items for the collective book entry (Sammelbuchung). Omit to create a regular book entry, and set if you want to create a collective book entry. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether or not to send a notification e-mail when book entries have been created. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the book entry should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the book entry (or to remove recurrence). Possible values: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, YEARLY, SEMESTRAL, QUARTERLY, BI_MONTHLY, BI_WEEKLY. | ||||||||||||||||||
reference | reference optional TEXT MAX:100 An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. Can be automatically generated using | ||||||||||||||||||
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the reference (see | ||||||||||||||||||
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence. This is the date when the book entry will be repeated next. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate. See Tax rates. | ||||||||||||||||||
title | title optional TEXT MAX:250 The description of the book entry. |
Update journal entry
Updates an existing manual journal entry. Note that you cannot update automatically created entries this way (use the appropriate API, e.g. Orders). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
amount | amount mandatory NUMBER The amount of the book entry (e.g. 125.50). This parameter is ignored if | ||||||||||||||||||
creditId | creditId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the credit side. See Account. This parameter is ignored if | ||||||||||||||||||
debitId | debitId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the debit side. See Account. This parameter is ignored if | ||||||||||||||||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the journal entry to update. | ||||||||||||||||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers, if there is either an expense or revenue account. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||
associateId | associateId optional TEXT The ID of the business associate (person). Instead of an ID you can also create a new person on-the-fly by entering a name here. See Person. | ||||||||||||||||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||||||||||||||||
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. | ||||||||||||||||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
dateAdded | dateAdded optional DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next book entry will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next book entry created on the start date itself. See | ||||||||||||||||||
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence. Orders repeat automatically up until this date, when the recurrence will stop. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
items | items optional JSON Items for the collective book entry (Sammelbuchung). Omit to create a regular book entry, and set if you want to create a collective book entry. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether or not to send a notification e-mail when book entries have been created. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. | ||||||||||||||||||
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the book entry should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the book entry (or to remove recurrence). Possible values: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, YEARLY, SEMESTRAL, QUARTERLY, BI_MONTHLY, BI_WEEKLY. | ||||||||||||||||||
reference | reference optional TEXT MAX:100 An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. Can be automatically generated using | ||||||||||||||||||
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the reference (see | ||||||||||||||||||
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence. This is the date when the book entry will be repeated next. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate. See Tax rates. | ||||||||||||||||||
title | title optional TEXT MAX:250 The description of the book entry. |
Delete journal entries
Deletes one or multiple manual journal entries. Note that you cannot delete automatically created entries here (use the appropriate API, e.g. Orders). Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of a journal entry. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
Update recurrence
Updates the recurrence of an existing book entry by journal ID. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the journal book entry. |
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next book entry will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next book entry created on the start date itself. See |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence. Orders repeat automatically up until this date, when the recurrence will stop. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See |
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See |
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether or not to send a notification e-mail when book entries have been created. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. |
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See |
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the book entry should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the book entry (or to remove recurrence). Possible values: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, YEARLY, SEMESTRAL, QUARTERLY, BI_MONTHLY, BI_WEEKLY. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence. This is the date when the book entry will be repeated next. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
The following API endpoints are for managing imports of journal entries via MT940 or ISO 20022 camt files. An import object contains the raw file contents, and meta data like file name, content type, etc. For the actual entries, see Journal import entry.
Read import
Returns a single import object by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List imports
Returns a list of imports.
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. |
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the imports. |
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'created'. |
Create import
Creates a new import. This will persist the entries to be imported in the database (see Journal import entry), but doesn't actually import anything into the journal, yet. The entries have to be confirmed first, and then imported via the Execute endpoint (see next endpoint). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
mappings | mappings mandatory JSON Mappings from columns (Excel/CSV) or fixed values to fields in CashCtrl. Make sure that you set either the fixed value or the column value for the respective field. e.g. columnAmount or fixedAmount This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER File to import. Valid formats: camt.052, camt.053, camt.054, MT940, Excel, CSV and any of these formats within a ZIP or TAR file. Max. size: 5 MB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
isForceSequenceNumber | isForceSequenceNumber optional BOOLEAN Force the use of sequence numbers? Otherwise imports the reference number if exists. Defaults to false Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
skipRows | skipRows optional NUMBER The number of lines that are skipped before the file is parsed. Useful if the header line is not the first line in the file. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
targetAccountId | targetAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the target account (e.g. your bank account) to import the entries into. |
Execute import
Executes a import. This means that all confirmed entries are actually imported into the journal. To confirm entries, see Journal import entry. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Import entry
The following API endpoints are for managing journal import entries. These entries have been created by a Journal import and are to be imported into the journal. They are not yet imported unless the entries have been confirmed (see Confirm import entry) and the import has been executed (see Execute journal import).
Read import entry
Returns a single import entry by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List import entries
Returns a list of import entries.
importId | importId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the journal import. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the entries list.
importId | importId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the journal import. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the entries list.
importId | importId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the journal import. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the entries list.
importId | importId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the journal import. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateAdded'. |
Update import entry
Updates an import entry. Note that this automatically confirms the entry. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
amount | amount mandatory NUMBER The amount of the journal entry (e.g. 125.50). | ||||
contraAccountId | contraAccountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the contra account. That's the account opposite of the target account that we import into. For example if the target account is a bank account, the contra account may be an expense or revenue account. See Account. | ||||
dateAdded | dateAdded mandatory DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the import entry to update. | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers, if there is either an expense or revenue account. This is a JSON array
| ||||
associateId | associateId optional TEXT The ID of the business associate (person). See Person. | ||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. | ||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||
orderId | orderId optional NUMBER The ID of the order that this book entry belongs to. This is the case, for example, if this book entry is a payment for an existing order. | ||||
reference | reference optional TEXT MAX:100 An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. | ||||
statementId | statementId optional NUMBER The ID of the salary statement that this book entry belongs to. This is the case, for example, if this book entry is a payment for an existing salary statement. | ||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of either the order status or salary statement status, depending on whether | ||||
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate. See Tax rates. | ||||
title | title optional TEXT MAX:250 The description of the book entry. |
Ignore import entries
Ignores one or multiple import entries. This doesn't actually delete the entry but marks it as ignored, which is to say: Do not import. You can restore ignored entries, see next API endpoint. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Restore import entries
Restores one or multiple import entries. This restores ignored import entries. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Confirm import entries
Confirms one or multiple import entries. Confirmed entries are ready to be imported with Execute journal import. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Unconfirm import entries
Unconfirms one or multiple import entries. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Fiscal period
The following API endpoints are for manipulating fiscal periods and salary periods. A fiscal period is simply a time period, usually a calendar year. All journal book entries (their dates) must be covered by a fiscal period and cannot be created outside of existing fiscal periods. So a fiscal period must first be created before book entries for that period can be created. Fiscal periods can be completed which locks the book entries in that period. Completed fiscal periods can be reopened anytime. Individual months can also be completed and reopened.
Read fiscal period
Returns a single fiscal period by ID or the current fiscal period.
id | id optional TEXT The ID of the fiscal period. Leave empty to read the current fiscal period (see Switch fiscal period). |
List fiscal periods
Returns a list of all fiscal periods.
Create fiscal period
Creates a new manual fiscal period. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
end | end optional DATE The end date of the fiscal period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
isCustom | isCustom optional BOOLEAN If true, create a custom fiscal period with |
name | name optional TEXT MAX:30 The name of the fiscal period, if |
salaryEnd | salaryEnd optional DATE The end date of the salary period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
salaryStart | salaryStart optional DATE The start date of the salary period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
start | start optional DATE The start date of the fiscal period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
type | type optional TEXT Creation type for creating a calendar year, if |
Update fiscal period
Updates an existing fiscal period. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period to update. |
end | end optional DATE The end date of the fiscal period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
isCustom | isCustom optional BOOLEAN If true, create a custom fiscal period with |
name | name optional TEXT MAX:30 The name of the fiscal period, if |
salaryEnd | salaryEnd optional DATE The end date of the salary period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
salaryStart | salaryStart optional DATE The start date of the salary period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
start | start optional DATE The start date of the fiscal period, if Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
type | type optional TEXT Creation type for creating a calendar year, if |
Switch fiscal period
Switches the current fiscal period. Every user has a current fiscal period set, which is considered for various data responses like e.g. the list of journal entries. If you retrieve the list of journal entries, only the entries in the current fiscal period are returned. You have to use this API endpoint to switch the current fiscal period to another one.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Delete fiscal periods
Deletes one or multiple fiscal periods. Note that you cannot delete fiscal periods if there are book entries that are not covered by another fiscal period. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Get result
Get the result (profit or loss) of the given fiscal period.
id | id optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. |
List depreciations
List the depreciations on fixed assets to be booked in the current fiscal period (see Switch fiscal period). This doesn't actually book anything, see the next API endpoint for that.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Book depreciations
Book depreciations on fixed assets in the current fiscal period (see Switch fiscal period).
depreciation | depreciation mandatory CSV The IDs of fixed asset accounts to depreciate, comma-separated. See previous endpoint for a list of depreciable accounts. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. |
List currency exchange differences
List the currency exchange differences to be booked in the current fiscal period (see Switch fiscal period). These book entries make corrections to the main currency balance of accounts with a foreign currency. This doesn't actually book anything, see the next API endpoint for that.
date | date optional DATE The booking date. Leave empty to use the last day of the fiscal period. If date is set, the fiscal period ID is ignored. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
id | id optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. Set either this or the |
Book currency exchange differences
Book currency exchange differences in the current fiscal period (see Switch fiscal period). These book entries make corrections to the main currency balance of accounts with a foreign currency.
exchangeDiff | exchangeDiff mandatory JSON The exchange differences to book. This is a JSON array
| ||||
date | date optional DATE The booking date. Leave empty to use the last day of the fiscal period. If date is set, the fiscal period ID is ignored. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||
id | id optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. Set either this or the |
Complete fiscal period
Completes the fiscal period. This action locks the book entries in this period so they cannot be manipulated anymore. However, you can reopen the fiscal period any time, see next API endpoint.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period to complete. |
isSalary | isSalary optional BOOLEAN Complete the salary period instead of the fiscal period? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Reopen fiscal period
Reopens the fiscal period. This unlocks the book entries in this period so they can be manipulated again.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period to reopen. |
isSalary | isSalary optional BOOLEAN Complete the salary period instead of the fiscal period? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Complete months
Completes the given months. This action locks the book entries in this period so they cannot be manipulated anymore. However, you can reopen those months any time, see next API endpoint.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period to update. |
isSalary | isSalary optional BOOLEAN Update the months for the salary period instead of the fiscal period? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
months | months optional JSON List of months to close and protect from changes. As as consequence, all other months not listed here within the same fiscal period stay open or become reopened. This is a JSON array of month identifiers. Example month identifier: "2022-03". Example array: ["2022-01", "2022-02", "2022-03"] = This would close Jan,Feb,Mar of 2022, but leave Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov open. |
Reopen months
Reopens the given months. This unlocks the book entries in this period so they can be manipulated again.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period to update. |
isSalary | isSalary optional BOOLEAN Update the months for the salary period instead of the fiscal period? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
months | months optional JSON List of months to close and protect from changes. As as consequence, all other months not listed here within the same fiscal period stay open or become reopened. This is a JSON array of month identifiers. Example month identifier: "2022-03". Example array: ["2022-01", "2022-02", "2022-03"] = This would close Jan,Feb,Mar of 2022, but leave Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov open. |
Fiscal period task
The following API endpoints are for manipulating tasks, which appear in the fiscal period completion dialog.
List tasks
Returns a list of tasks.
Create task
Creates a new task. Returns either a success or error message.
name | name mandatory TEXT The name/text of the task. |
Delete tasks
Deletes one or multiple tasks. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing locations. An organization can have multiple locations (e.g. headquarters, branches, warehouses) with each an address, logo, bank data, UID, etc.
Read location
Returns a single location by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List locations
Returns a list of all locations.
Create location
Creates a new location. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:250 A name to describe and identify the location. Not used in an address, just for identification. |
address | address optional TEXT MAX:250 The address (street, house number, additional info) of the location. Can contain multiple lines. |
bankAccountId | bankAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the bank account associated with this location. |
burNr | burNr optional TEXT MAX:32 The BUR number (Business and Enterprise Register in Switzerland) of the company. |
canton | canton optional TEXT The canton of the location (Switzerland only). Possible values: AG, AI, AR, BE, BL, BS, FR, GE, GL, GR, JU, LU, NE, NW, OW, SG, SH, SO, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VD, VS, ZG, ZH. |
city | city optional TEXT MAX:100 The town / city of the location. |
email | email optional TEXT MAX:100 The main e-mail address to contact the company. |
footer | footer optional TEXT Footer text to display on order documents. See Order. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the location as inactive. Inactive locations are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. |
logoFileId | logoFileId optional NUMBER The company logo. Supported types: JPG, GIF, PNG. Max. size: 400KB. Max. resolution: 2500x2500px. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
orgName | orgName optional TEXT MAX:250 The name of the company. |
phoneMain | phoneMain optional TEXT MAX:100 The main phone number to contact the company. |
phoneSalaryCert | phoneSalaryCert optional TEXT MAX:100 The company's phone number written on the salary certificate. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of location. Defaults to MAIN (= company headquarters). Possible values: MAIN, BRANCH, STORAGE, OTHER. |
url | url optional TEXT MAX:100 The company's website URL. |
vatUid | vatUid optional TEXT MAX:32 The UID (VAT no.) of the company. |
zip | zip optional TEXT MAX:10 The postal code of the location. |
Update location
Updates an existing location. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the location to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:250 A name to describe and identify the location. Not used in an address, just for identification. |
address | address optional TEXT MAX:250 The address (street, house number, additional info) of the location. Can contain multiple lines. |
bankAccountId | bankAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the bank account associated with this location. |
burNr | burNr optional TEXT MAX:32 The BUR number (Business and Enterprise Register in Switzerland) of the company. |
canton | canton optional TEXT The canton of the location (Switzerland only). Possible values: AG, AI, AR, BE, BL, BS, FR, GE, GL, GR, JU, LU, NE, NW, OW, SG, SH, SO, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VD, VS, ZG, ZH. |
city | city optional TEXT MAX:100 The town / city of the location. |
email | email optional TEXT MAX:100 The main e-mail address to contact the company. |
footer | footer optional TEXT Footer text to display on order documents. See Order. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the location as inactive. Inactive locations are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. |
logoFileId | logoFileId optional NUMBER The company logo. Supported types: JPG, GIF, PNG. Max. size: 400KB. Max. resolution: 2500x2500px. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
orgName | orgName optional TEXT MAX:250 The name of the company. |
phoneMain | phoneMain optional TEXT MAX:100 The main phone number to contact the company. |
phoneSalaryCert | phoneSalaryCert optional TEXT MAX:100 The company's phone number written on the salary certificate. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of location. Defaults to MAIN (= company headquarters). Possible values: MAIN, BRANCH, STORAGE, OTHER. |
url | url optional TEXT MAX:100 The company's website URL. |
vatUid | vatUid optional TEXT MAX:32 The UID (VAT no.) of the company. |
zip | zip optional TEXT MAX:10 The postal code of the location. |
Delete locations
Deletes one or multiple locations. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for reading organization (aka domain) related information. Please understand that we currently do not allow creation or manipulation of organizations via the API.
Get logo
Returns the logo image of the organization (if set) or a one pixel invisible image if not set. The content type is that of the uploaded logo image (PNG, GIF or JPEG).
The following API endpoints are for managing general settings.
Read settings
Returns all settings.
Get setting value
Returns a specific setting value.
name | name mandatory TEXT The name of the setting. |
Update settings
Updates the settings. You can update any number of settings, you don't have to include all of them. The parameters are not listed here (there are too many). Read the settings first to get a list of available settings, and then update the ones you would like to update. You can also define your own settings, but text-only.
The following API endpoints are for managing order objects like offers, invoices, delivery notes, etc., both sales and purchase orders.
Read order
Returns a single order by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List orders
Returns a list of orders per type (sales or purchase).
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the order category to filter by. See Order category. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the orders. | ||||||
groupId | groupId optional NUMBER The ID of the order group (dossier) to filter by. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOpen | onlyOpen optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include open orders (incomplete status like 'Open' as opposed to completed status like 'Paid'). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOverdue | onlyOverdue optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include orders that are overdue (past the due date). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER The ID of a person to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the order status to filter by. | ||||||
type | type optional TEXT The type of order (sales or purchase). Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the orders list per type (sales or purchase).
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the order category to filter by. See Order category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the orders. | ||||||
groupId | groupId optional NUMBER The ID of the order group (dossier) to filter by. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOpen | onlyOpen optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include open orders (incomplete status like 'Open' as opposed to completed status like 'Paid'). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOverdue | onlyOverdue optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include orders that are overdue (past the due date). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER The ID of a person to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the order status to filter by. | ||||||
type | type optional TEXT The type of order (sales or purchase). Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the orders list per type (sales or purchase).
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the order category to filter by. See Order category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the orders. | ||||||
groupId | groupId optional NUMBER The ID of the order group (dossier) to filter by. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOpen | onlyOpen optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include open orders (incomplete status like 'Open' as opposed to completed status like 'Paid'). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOverdue | onlyOverdue optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include orders that are overdue (past the due date). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER The ID of a person to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the order status to filter by. | ||||||
type | type optional TEXT The type of order (sales or purchase). Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the orders list per type (sales or purchase).
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the order category to filter by. See Order category. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the orders. | ||||||
groupId | groupId optional NUMBER The ID of the order group (dossier) to filter by. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOpen | onlyOpen optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include open orders (incomplete status like 'Open' as opposed to completed status like 'Paid'). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyOverdue | onlyOverdue optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include orders that are overdue (past the due date). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER The ID of a person to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. | ||||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the order status to filter by. | ||||||
type | type optional TEXT The type of order (sales or purchase). Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Create order
Creates a new order. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
associateId | associateId mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple business partners (customers / vendors), comma-separated. If you enter multiple IDs it will create a separate document for each business partner. See Person. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category. See Order category. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
date | date mandatory DATE The date of the order. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER The ID of the account. Leave empty to use the account from the category. See Account. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next order will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next order created on the start date itself. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
description | description optional TEXT MAX:200 A description of the order document. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
discountPercentage | discountPercentage optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 The discount percentage for the entire order (can be overriden in items). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dueDays | dueDays optional NUMBER The due days. Order date + due days = Due date (the date, when payment is due). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
groupId | groupId optional NUMBER The ID of the order group (dossier). Use this to include the order in a dossier with other orders that belong together (e.g. the offer, order confirmation, delivery note and invoice of the same order). This is overridden by | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
isDisplayItemGross | isDisplayItemGross optional BOOLEAN Whether to display item totals as gross (including tax). Defaults to false (net). Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
items | items optional JSON The list of order items. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
language | language optional TEXT The language of the document. Possible values: DE, EN, FR, IT. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether to send a notification e-mail when orders have been created or not. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The order number (e.g. 'IN-2001015' for an invoice). Leave empty to generate the number with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
previousId | previousId optional NUMBER The ID of the previous order from which this order is created (Next step / Continue as). The new order will be grouped with the previous order in a dossier. See also | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the order should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the order. See also | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responsiblePersonId | responsiblePersonId optional TEXT The ID of the responsible person (Sachbearbeiter). See Person. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
roundingId | roundingId optional NUMBER The ID of the rounding to use for the grand total. See Rounding. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the order number (see | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to set. Leave empty to use the first status in the list. See Order category. |
Update order
Updates an existing order. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
associateId | associateId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the business partner (customer / vendor). See Person. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category. See Order category. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
date | date mandatory DATE The date of the order. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the order to update. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
accountId | accountId optional NUMBER The ID of the account. Leave empty to use the account from the category. See Account. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next order will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next order created on the start date itself. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
description | description optional TEXT MAX:200 A description of the order document. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
discountPercentage | discountPercentage optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 The discount percentage for the entire order (can be overriden in items). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dueDays | dueDays optional NUMBER The due days. Order date + due days = Due date (the date, when payment is due). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
groupId | groupId optional NUMBER The ID of the order group (dossier). Use this to include the order in a dossier with other orders that belong together (e.g. the offer, order confirmation, delivery note and invoice of the same order). This is overridden by | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
isDisplayItemGross | isDisplayItemGross optional BOOLEAN Whether to display item totals as gross (including tax). Defaults to false (net). Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
items | items optional JSON The list of order items. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
language | language optional TEXT The language of the document. Possible values: DE, EN, FR, IT. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether to send a notification e-mail when orders have been created or not. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The order number (e.g. 'IN-2001015' for an invoice). Leave empty to generate the number with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
previousId | previousId optional NUMBER The ID of the previous order from which this order is created (Next step / Continue as). The new order will be grouped with the previous order in a dossier. See also | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the order should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the order. See also | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responsiblePersonId | responsiblePersonId optional TEXT The ID of the responsible person (Sachbearbeiter). See Person. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
roundingId | roundingId optional NUMBER The ID of the rounding to use for the grand total. See Rounding. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the order number (see | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to set. Leave empty to use the first status in the list. See Order category. |
Delete orders
Deletes one or multiple orders. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Update status
Updates the status of an existing order by order ID. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple orders, comma-separated. |
statusId | statusId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the new status. |
Update recurrence
Updates the recurrence of an existing order by order ID. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the order. |
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next order will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next order created on the start date itself. See |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence. Orders repeat automatically up until this date, when the recurrence will stop. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See |
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See |
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether or not to send a notification e-mail when orders have been created. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. |
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See |
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the order should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the order (or to remove recurrence). Possible values: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, YEARLY, SEMESTRAL, QUARTERLY, BI_MONTHLY, BI_WEEKLY. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence. This is the date when the order will be repeated next. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Continue as
Continue an order as another order (e.g. continue an offer as an invoice). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple orders to continue, comma-separated. |
associateId | associateId optional TEXT The ID of the business partner (customer / vendor). Mandatory only if changing between sales and purchase order. See Person. |
date | date optional DATE The date of the order. Leave empty to use today. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to set. Leave empty to use the first status in the list. See Order category. |
Read dossier
Reads a dossier (group of orders that belong together).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Add to dossier
Adds one or multiple orders to a dossier.
groupId | groupId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the group. |
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the orders to add/remove, comma-separated. |
Remove from dossier
Removes one or multiple orders from a dossier.
groupId | groupId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the group. |
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the orders to add/remove, comma-separated. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of an order. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
Book entry
The following API endpoints are for managing order book entries. These are all the journal book entries that are created for an order (e.g. an invoice or a credit note), either automatically from items or manually by the user, like payments for example. Automatically created book entries cannot be manipulated directly, only by changing items (see Orders).
Read book entry
Returns a single book entry by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List book entries
Returns a list of book entries for an order.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Create book entry
Creates a new book entry. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account (e.g. a bank account). This is the contra account to the account defined in the order category (typically the debtors or creditors account). See Account. |
orderIds | orderIds mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple orders, comma-separated. See Order. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER The amount of the book entry (e.g. 125.50). Leave empty to use open amount of order. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. |
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. |
date | date optional DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:200 The description of the book entry. |
reference | reference optional TEXT An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. |
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate. See Tax rates. |
templateId | templateId optional NUMBER The ID of the book entry template. The templates are defined in the order category. See Order category. |
Update book entry
Updates an existing book entry. Note that you cannot update book entries that have been automatically created from order items, only manually created book entries (e.g. payments). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account (e.g. a bank account). This is the contra account to the account defined in the order category (typically the debtors or creditors account). See Account. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the book entry to update. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER The amount of the book entry (e.g. 125.50). Leave empty to use open amount of order. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. |
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. |
date | date optional DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:200 The description of the book entry. |
reference | reference optional TEXT An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. |
taxId | taxId optional NUMBER The ID of the tax rate. See Tax rates. |
templateId | templateId optional NUMBER The ID of the book entry template. The templates are defined in the order category. See Order category. |
Delete book entries
Deletes one or multiple book entries. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing order categories. An order category is for example 'Offers', 'Invoices', 'Delivery notes', etc. A category contains the configuration for the order document and how it behaves. It defines the different status a document can have, or whether the document creates journal book entries or not. You can add as many categories as you like and thus create your own workflow.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of categories per type (sales or purchase).
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the counts (number of orders). Leave empty to use the current fiscal period. See Switch fiscal period. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of category (sales orders or purchase orders). Defaults to SALES. Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account, which is typically the debtors account for sales and the creditors account for purchase. See Account. | ||||||||||||||
namePlural | namePlural mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The plural name of the category (e.g. 'Invoices'). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||
nameSingular | nameSingular mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The singular name of the category (e.g. 'Invoice'). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||
status | status mandatory JSON The status list (like 'Draft', 'Open', 'Paid', etc.) for this order category. At least one status must exist. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||
addressType | addressType optional TEXT Which address of the recipient to use in the order document. Defaults to MAIN. Possible values: MAIN, INVOICE, DELIVERY, SALARY, HISTORICAL, OTHER. | ||||||||||||||
bookTemplates | bookTemplates optional JSON The book (entry) templates defined in this order category. An example of a book template for order categories would be the 'Payment' book template, which already has the appropriate bank account set, so that payments can be added with one click. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||
bookType | bookType optional TEXT Whether the account (see | ||||||||||||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency used by default for order objects in this category. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||||||||||||
dueDays | dueDays optional NUMBER The due days used by default for order objects in this category. The order date + due days equals the due date. | ||||||||||||||
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER An optional PDF document whose pages are added at the end of the order document. Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||||||||||
footerTemplateId | footerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the footer text used for order objects in this category. | ||||||||||||||
hasDueDays | hasDueDays optional BOOLEAN Whether order objects in this category can have due days. The | ||||||||||||||
headerTemplateId | headerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the header text used for order objects in this category. | ||||||||||||||
isDisplayItemGross | isDisplayItemGross optional BOOLEAN Whether order item totals are displayed as gross (including tax) or net. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
isDisplayPrices | isDisplayPrices optional BOOLEAN Whether prices and totals are displayed on the document. For example a delivery note might not display prices, but an invoice does. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark category as inactive. Inactive categories are no longer displayed, but the documents in the category are not deleted. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
isSwitchRecipient | isSwitchRecipient optional BOOLEAN Switch recipient? By default your company is the sender and the client/vendor is the recipient. This flag switches sender and recipient. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
layoutId | layoutId optional NUMBER The ID of the layout used for order objects in this category. See Order layout. | ||||||||||||||
mailSubject | mailSubject optional TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject (when sending the document via e-mail). Can contain variables. | ||||||||||||||
mailTemplateId | mailTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the mail text used for order objects in this category. | ||||||||||||||
message | message optional TEXT MAX:50 A message for the payment recipient (included in the pain.001 xml file). | ||||||||||||||
responsiblePersonId | responsiblePersonId optional TEXT The ID of the responsible person (Sachbearbeiter) used for order objects in this category. See Person. | ||||||||||||||
roundingId | roundingId optional NUMBER The ID of the rounding used for order objects in this category. See Rounding. | ||||||||||||||
sentStatusId | sentStatusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to automatically set when the order document is either sent by mail or downloaded. See | ||||||||||||||
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for order objects in this category. See Sequence number. | ||||||||||||||
type | type optional TEXT The type of category (sales orders or purchase orders). Defaults to SALES. Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
accountId | accountId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account, which is typically the debtors account for sales and the creditors account for purchase. See Account. | ||||||||||||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. | ||||||||||||||
namePlural | namePlural mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The plural name of the category (e.g. 'Invoices'). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||
nameSingular | nameSingular mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The singular name of the category (e.g. 'Invoice'). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||
status | status mandatory JSON The status list (like 'Draft', 'Open', 'Paid', etc.) for this order category. At least one status must exist. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||
addressType | addressType optional TEXT Which address of the recipient to use in the order document. Defaults to MAIN. Possible values: MAIN, INVOICE, DELIVERY, SALARY, HISTORICAL, OTHER. | ||||||||||||||
bookTemplates | bookTemplates optional JSON The book (entry) templates defined in this order category. An example of a book template for order categories would be the 'Payment' book template, which already has the appropriate bank account set, so that payments can be added with one click. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||
bookType | bookType optional TEXT Whether the account (see | ||||||||||||||
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency used by default for order objects in this category. Leave empty to use the default currency. See Currency. | ||||||||||||||
dueDays | dueDays optional NUMBER The due days used by default for order objects in this category. The order date + due days equals the due date. | ||||||||||||||
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER An optional PDF document whose pages are added at the end of the order document. Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||||||||||
footerTemplateId | footerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the footer text used for order objects in this category. | ||||||||||||||
hasDueDays | hasDueDays optional BOOLEAN Whether order objects in this category can have due days. The | ||||||||||||||
headerTemplateId | headerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the header text used for order objects in this category. | ||||||||||||||
isDisplayItemGross | isDisplayItemGross optional BOOLEAN Whether order item totals are displayed as gross (including tax) or net. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
isDisplayPrices | isDisplayPrices optional BOOLEAN Whether prices and totals are displayed on the document. For example a delivery note might not display prices, but an invoice does. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark category as inactive. Inactive categories are no longer displayed, but the documents in the category are not deleted. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
isSwitchRecipient | isSwitchRecipient optional BOOLEAN Switch recipient? By default your company is the sender and the client/vendor is the recipient. This flag switches sender and recipient. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||
layoutId | layoutId optional NUMBER The ID of the layout used for order objects in this category. See Order layout. | ||||||||||||||
mailSubject | mailSubject optional TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject (when sending the document via e-mail). Can contain variables. | ||||||||||||||
mailTemplateId | mailTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the mail text used for order objects in this category. | ||||||||||||||
message | message optional TEXT MAX:50 A message for the payment recipient (included in the pain.001 xml file). | ||||||||||||||
responsiblePersonId | responsiblePersonId optional TEXT The ID of the responsible person (Sachbearbeiter) used for order objects in this category. See Person. | ||||||||||||||
roundingId | roundingId optional NUMBER The ID of the rounding used for order objects in this category. See Rounding. | ||||||||||||||
sentStatusId | sentStatusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to automatically set when the order document is either sent by mail or downloaded. See | ||||||||||||||
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for order objects in this category. See Sequence number. | ||||||||||||||
type | type optional TEXT The type of category (sales orders or purchase orders). Defaults to SALES. Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Reorder categories
Changes the order of one or multiple categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to reorder, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target entry. The entries (see |
before | before optional BOOLEAN Reorder before the target entry, after otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of category. Defaults to SALES. Possible values: SALES, PURCHASE. |
Read status
Returns a single status by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
The following API endpoints are for managing order documents. This API is not used to manage the order itself (like date, number, customer, items, etc.) - for that, see Orders. Here you only manage the sender / recipient of the document, which layout to use, and the document language. You can download the document as PDF or ZIP, and mail the document to the recipient.
Read document
Returns a single document by order ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the order. |
Download PDF
Downloads one or multiple order documents in one PDF file.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple orders, comma-separated. |
Download ZIP
Downloads one or multiple order documents in a ZIP file (one PDF for each document).
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple orders, comma-separated. |
Mail document
Sends a document per e-mail to the desired recipient(s).
mailFrom | mailFrom mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The sender / from e-mail address. |
mailSubject | mailSubject mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject. Can contain variables. |
mailText | mailText mandatory TEXT The mail text. Can contain variables. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
orderIds | orderIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the orders to send as mail, comma-separated. See Order. |
isCopyToMe | isCopyToMe optional BOOLEAN Send a copy to me? (the sender, see |
mailBcc | mailBcc optional TEXT The BCC (blind carbon copy) e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. |
mailCc | mailCc optional TEXT The CC (carbon copy) e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. |
mailTo | mailTo optional TEXT The recipient e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. Leave empty to use the default e-mail address of the business associate. |
sentStatusId | sentStatusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to set on the order after the mail has been sent. See Order category. |
Update document
Updates an existing document. To update the actual order object, see Order.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the order to update. See Order. |
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER An optional PDF document whose pages are added at the end of the order document. Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
footer | footer optional HTML The text displayed below the items list on the document used by default for order objects in this category. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
header | header optional HTML The text displayed above the items list on the document used by default for order objects in this category. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
isDisplayItemGross | isDisplayItemGross optional BOOLEAN Whether order item totals are displayed as gross (including tax) or net. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isFileReplacement | isFileReplacement optional BOOLEAN Replace the generated order document with the attached PDF file? (see |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the document. Possible values: DE, EN, FR, IT. |
layoutId | layoutId optional NUMBER The ID of the layout. See Order layout. |
orgAddress | orgAddress optional TEXT MAX:255 The sender address formatted with line breaks. |
orgBankAccountId | orgBankAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the organization's bank account. See Bank account. |
orgLocationId | orgLocationId optional NUMBER The ID of the sender location. See Location. |
recipientAddress | recipientAddress optional TEXT MAX:255 The recipient address formatted with line breaks. |
recipientAddressId | recipientAddressId optional NUMBER The ID of the recipient address (person address). See Person. |
recipientBankAccountId | recipientBankAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the recipient's bank account. |
The following API endpoints are for managing order layouts. Layouts define the look and feel of the Order document.
Read layout
Returns a single layout by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List layouts
Returns a list of all layouts.
Create layout
Creates a new layout. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the layout. | ||||||
elements | elements optional JSON List of elements containing HTML/CSS snippets for the different parts of the layout.
| ||||||
footer | footer optional HTML The footer text, which is displayed at the bottom of the document. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Mark the layout as the default layout to use. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayDocumentName | isDisplayDocumentName optional BOOLEAN Display document name/title? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemArticleNr | isDisplayItemArticleNr optional BOOLEAN Display article no. for items? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemPriceRounded | isDisplayItemPriceRounded optional BOOLEAN Display item prices rounded? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemTax | isDisplayItemTax optional BOOLEAN Display tax for items? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemUnit | isDisplayItemUnit optional BOOLEAN Display unit for items? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayLogo | isDisplayLogo optional BOOLEAN Display logo? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow | isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow optional BOOLEAN Display (your) organization address in window? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPageNr | isDisplayPageNr optional BOOLEAN Display page numbers? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPayments | isDisplayPayments optional BOOLEAN Display payments? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPosNr | isDisplayPosNr optional BOOLEAN Display item numbering? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayRecipientNr | isDisplayRecipientNr optional BOOLEAN Display recipient number (customer/vendor no.)? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayResponsiblePerson | isDisplayResponsiblePerson optional BOOLEAN Display responsible person (Sachbearbeiter)? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayZeroTax | isDisplayZeroTax optional BOOLEAN Display zero tax (with a value of 0.00)? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the layout as inactive. Inactive layouts are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isQrEmptyAmount | isQrEmptyAmount optional BOOLEAN Leave amount empty in the QR code? Otherwise the open amount is used in the QR code. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isQrNoLines | isQrNoLines optional BOOLEAN Display QR invoice without any lines? Dashed lines with scissors by default. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isQrNoReferenceNr | isQrNoReferenceNr optional BOOLEAN Display QR invoice without reference number? Generates reference number by default. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
letterPaperFileId | letterPaperFileId optional NUMBER An optional letter paper to embed on every page (behind the text). Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||
logoHeight | logoHeight optional NUMBER MIN:0.1 MAX:9.0 The height of the logo in centimeters. | ||||||
pageSize | pageSize optional TEXT The page size of the document. Defaults to A4. Possible values: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, LEGAL, LETTER, A4R. | ||||||
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent layout to inherit from. Letter paper, HTML and CSS will be inherited from the parent. |
Update layout
Updates an existing layout. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the layout to update. | ||||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the layout. | ||||||
elements | elements optional JSON List of elements containing HTML/CSS snippets for the different parts of the layout.
| ||||||
footer | footer optional HTML The footer text, which is displayed at the bottom of the document. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Mark the layout as the default layout to use. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayDocumentName | isDisplayDocumentName optional BOOLEAN Display document name/title? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemArticleNr | isDisplayItemArticleNr optional BOOLEAN Display article no. for items? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemPriceRounded | isDisplayItemPriceRounded optional BOOLEAN Display item prices rounded? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemTax | isDisplayItemTax optional BOOLEAN Display tax for items? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayItemUnit | isDisplayItemUnit optional BOOLEAN Display unit for items? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayLogo | isDisplayLogo optional BOOLEAN Display logo? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow | isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow optional BOOLEAN Display (your) organization address in window? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPageNr | isDisplayPageNr optional BOOLEAN Display page numbers? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPayments | isDisplayPayments optional BOOLEAN Display payments? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPosNr | isDisplayPosNr optional BOOLEAN Display item numbering? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayRecipientNr | isDisplayRecipientNr optional BOOLEAN Display recipient number (customer/vendor no.)? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayResponsiblePerson | isDisplayResponsiblePerson optional BOOLEAN Display responsible person (Sachbearbeiter)? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayZeroTax | isDisplayZeroTax optional BOOLEAN Display zero tax (with a value of 0.00)? Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the layout as inactive. Inactive layouts are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isQrEmptyAmount | isQrEmptyAmount optional BOOLEAN Leave amount empty in the QR code? Otherwise the open amount is used in the QR code. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isQrNoLines | isQrNoLines optional BOOLEAN Display QR invoice without any lines? Dashed lines with scissors by default. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isQrNoReferenceNr | isQrNoReferenceNr optional BOOLEAN Display QR invoice without reference number? Generates reference number by default. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
letterPaperFileId | letterPaperFileId optional NUMBER An optional letter paper to embed on every page (behind the text). Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||
logoHeight | logoHeight optional NUMBER MIN:0.1 MAX:9.0 The height of the logo in centimeters. | ||||||
pageSize | pageSize optional TEXT The page size of the document. Defaults to A4. Possible values: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, LEGAL, LETTER, A4R. | ||||||
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent layout to inherit from. Letter paper, HTML and CSS will be inherited from the parent. |
Delete layouts
Deletes one or multiple layouts. Note that you cannot delete system layouts, only manually created ones. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for creating and downloading payment orders. Note that this does not create any book entries, for that see Book entries. Here we are either creating an ISO 20022 pain.001 file or a PDF to download. The pain.001 file can be used in e-banking to automatically process multiple payments. Please first use the Create endpoint (don't skip this!), and then the Download endpoint.
Create payment
Creates a new payment. This must first be executed before downloading the pain.001 or PDF file with the next endpoint, otherwise we won't be able to match the payments from a camt.052/053/054 file later on. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
date | date mandatory DATE The execution date for the payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
orderIds | orderIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected orders, comma-separated. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER A partial payment amount per order. Leave empty to pay all open amounts. |
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the new status for the order. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of payment and file to generate. Defaults to PAIN (pain.001). Possible values: PAIN, SEPA_PAIN, WIRE_PDF, CASH_PDF. |
Download file
Downloads the pain.001 or PDF file. Please use the create endpoint first, and then use the same parameters to download the file here. Returns a file.
date | date mandatory DATE The execution date for the payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
orderIds | orderIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected orders, comma-separated. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER A partial payment amount per order. Leave empty to pay all open amounts. |
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the new status for the order. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of payment and file to generate. Defaults to PAIN (pain.001). Possible values: PAIN, SEPA_PAIN, WIRE_PDF, CASH_PDF. |
The following API endpoints are for managing people / contacts.
Read person
Returns a single person by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List people
Returns a list of people.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active people. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCustomers | onlyCustomers optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only customers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyEmployees | onlyEmployees optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only employees. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyFamilies | onlyFamilies optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only families. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyInsurances | onlyInsurances optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only insurances. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyVendors | onlyVendors optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only vendors. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutRole | onlyWithoutRole optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a role. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the people list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active people. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCustomers | onlyCustomers optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only customers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyEmployees | onlyEmployees optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only employees. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyFamilies | onlyFamilies optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only families. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyInsurances | onlyInsurances optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only insurances. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyVendors | onlyVendors optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only vendors. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutRole | onlyWithoutRole optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a role. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the people list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active people. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCustomers | onlyCustomers optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only customers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyEmployees | onlyEmployees optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only employees. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyFamilies | onlyFamilies optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only families. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyInsurances | onlyInsurances optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only insurances. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyVendors | onlyVendors optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only vendors. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutRole | onlyWithoutRole optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a role. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the people list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active people. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCustomers | onlyCustomers optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only customers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyEmployees | onlyEmployees optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only employees. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyFamilies | onlyFamilies optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only families. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyInsurances | onlyInsurances optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only insurances. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyVendors | onlyVendors optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only vendors. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutRole | onlyWithoutRole optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a role. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to vCard
Returns a vCard file containing a list of people.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active people. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyCustomers | onlyCustomers optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only customers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyEmployees | onlyEmployees optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only employees. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyFamilies | onlyFamilies optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only families. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyInsurances | onlyInsurances optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only insurances. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyVendors | onlyVendors optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only vendors. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithImages | onlyWithImages optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people with images. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutCategory | onlyWithoutCategory optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a category. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyWithoutRole | onlyWithoutRole optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only people without a role. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'name'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Create person
Creates a new person. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
company | company mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the organization / company. Either | ||||||||||||||||||||||
firstName | firstName mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The person's first (given) name. Either | ||||||||||||||||||||||
lastName | lastName mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The person's last (family) name. Either | ||||||||||||||||||||||
addresses | addresses optional TEXT A list of addresses (street, house number, zip, city, country). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
altName | altName optional TEXT MAX:100 An alternative name for this person (for organizational chart). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
bankAccounts | bankAccounts optional TEXT A list of bank accounts (IBAN, BIC). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
bankData | bankData optional TEXT MAX:255 Unstructured bank information, if IBAN/BIC not available. Otherwise use | ||||||||||||||||||||||
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Person category. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
certificateTemplateId | certificateTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the salary certificate template. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
certificateValues | certificateValues optional JSON Values to print directly on the employee's salary certificate. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
children | children optional TEXT A list of children. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
color | color optional TEXT The color to use for this person in the organizational chart. Leave empty for white. Possible values: BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, BLACK, GRAY, BROWN, VIOLET, PINK. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
contacts | contacts optional TEXT A list of contact information (e-mail, phone, url, etc.). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
dateBirth | dateBirth optional DATE The person's date of birth. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
department | department optional TEXT MAX:100 The department of the person within the company. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
discountPercentage | discountPercentage optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 Discount percentage for this person, which may be used for orders. This can also be set on the category for all people in that category. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
industry | industry optional TEXT MAX:100 The industry of the company or the trade/vocation of the person. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
insuranceContracts | insuranceContracts optional TEXT A list of insurance contracts, if This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
insuranceMemberNr | insuranceMemberNr optional TEXT MAX:32 Member number (for insurance). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
insuranceNr | insuranceNr optional TEXT MAX:32 Insurance number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isAutoFillResponsiblePerson | isAutoFillResponsiblePerson optional BOOLEAN Whether to autofill the responsible person field in order documents with this person if | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isCustomer | isCustomer optional BOOLEAN Is the person a customer? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isEmployee | isEmployee optional BOOLEAN Is the person an employee? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isFamily | isFamily optional BOOLEAN Is the person a family? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the person as inactive. The person will be greyed out and no longer suggested. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isInsurance | isInsurance optional BOOLEAN Is the person an insurance company? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isVendor | isVendor optional BOOLEAN Is the person a vendor? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
language | language optional TEXT The main language of the person. May be used for documents. Possible values: DE, EN, FR, IT. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
locationId | locationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location (workplace) of the employee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The person number (e.g. customer no.). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
position | position optional TEXT MAX:100 The position (job title) of the person within the company. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the person number (see | ||||||||||||||||||||||
servicePeriods | servicePeriods optional TEXT A list of service periods (entry and exit of the employee). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
ssn | ssn optional TEXT MAX:32 Social security number of the employee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
superiorId | superiorId optional NUMBER The superior of this person (for organizational chart). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
titleId | titleId optional NUMBER The person's title (e.g. 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Dr.'). See Person title. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
userId | userId optional NUMBER The ID of the user linked to this person. This is a user that can login to CashCtrl. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
vatUid | vatUid optional TEXT MAX:32 The UID (VAT no.) of the company. |
Update person
Updates an existing person. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
company | company mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the organization / company. Either | ||||||||||||||||||||||
firstName | firstName mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The person's first (given) name. Either | ||||||||||||||||||||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the person to update. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
lastName | lastName mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The person's last (family) name. Either | ||||||||||||||||||||||
addresses | addresses optional TEXT A list of addresses (street, house number, zip, city, country). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
altName | altName optional TEXT MAX:100 An alternative name for this person (for organizational chart). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
bankAccounts | bankAccounts optional TEXT A list of bank accounts (IBAN, BIC). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
bankData | bankData optional TEXT MAX:255 Unstructured bank information, if IBAN/BIC not available. Otherwise use | ||||||||||||||||||||||
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category. See Person category. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
certificateTemplateId | certificateTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the salary certificate template. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
certificateValues | certificateValues optional JSON Values to print directly on the employee's salary certificate. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
children | children optional TEXT A list of children. This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
color | color optional TEXT The color to use for this person in the organizational chart. Leave empty for white. Possible values: BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, BLACK, GRAY, BROWN, VIOLET, PINK. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
contacts | contacts optional TEXT A list of contact information (e-mail, phone, url, etc.). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
dateBirth | dateBirth optional DATE The person's date of birth. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
department | department optional TEXT MAX:100 The department of the person within the company. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
discountPercentage | discountPercentage optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 Discount percentage for this person, which may be used for orders. This can also be set on the category for all people in that category. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
industry | industry optional TEXT MAX:100 The industry of the company or the trade/vocation of the person. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
insuranceContracts | insuranceContracts optional TEXT A list of insurance contracts, if This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
insuranceMemberNr | insuranceMemberNr optional TEXT MAX:32 Member number (for insurance). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
insuranceNr | insuranceNr optional TEXT MAX:32 Insurance number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isAutoFillResponsiblePerson | isAutoFillResponsiblePerson optional BOOLEAN Whether to autofill the responsible person field in order documents with this person if | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isCustomer | isCustomer optional BOOLEAN Is the person a customer? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isEmployee | isEmployee optional BOOLEAN Is the person an employee? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isFamily | isFamily optional BOOLEAN Is the person a family? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the person as inactive. The person will be greyed out and no longer suggested. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isInsurance | isInsurance optional BOOLEAN Is the person an insurance company? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
isVendor | isVendor optional BOOLEAN Is the person a vendor? (role) Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
language | language optional TEXT The main language of the person. May be used for documents. Possible values: DE, EN, FR, IT. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
locationId | locationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location (workplace) of the employee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The person number (e.g. customer no.). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
position | position optional TEXT MAX:100 The position (job title) of the person within the company. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the person number (see | ||||||||||||||||||||||
servicePeriods | servicePeriods optional TEXT A list of service periods (entry and exit of the employee). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
ssn | ssn optional TEXT MAX:32 Social security number of the employee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
superiorId | superiorId optional NUMBER The superior of this person (for organizational chart). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
titleId | titleId optional NUMBER The person's title (e.g. 'Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Dr.'). See Person title. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
userId | userId optional NUMBER The ID of the user linked to this person. This is a user that can login to CashCtrl. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
vatUid | vatUid optional TEXT MAX:32 The UID (VAT no.) of the company. |
Delete people
Deletes one or multiple people. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Categorize people
Assigns one or multiple people to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Update attachments
Updates the file attachments of a person. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. Returns either a success or error message.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
fileIds | fileIds optional CSV A list of file IDs, comma-separated. Leave empty to remove all attachments. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
The following API endpoints are for managing person categories (e.g. 'Customers', 'Vendors', 'Employees').
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of all categories.
Get tree of categories
Returns a tree of all categories or the tree below a parent category.
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the parent category (omit to get all categories). |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
discountPercentage | discountPercentage optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 Discount percentage for people in this category, which may be used for orders. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for people in this category. If empty, the sequence number of the parent category is inherited. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
discountPercentage | discountPercentage optional NUMBER MIN:0.0 MAX:100.0 Discount percentage for people in this category, which may be used for orders. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for people in this category. If empty, the sequence number of the parent category is inherited. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for importing people from a file, either a vCard, Excel or CSV file.
Create import
Creates a new import session. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
fileId | fileId mandatory NUMBER File to import. Valid formats: vCard, Excel and CSV. Max. size: 5 MB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER Category for all new people, overriding imported categories. |
Define mapping
Defines the mapping from Excel / CSV column header names to CashCtrl fields. This step is not needed for vCards. See List mapping fields endpoint for a list of field names. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER Import session ID from the Create endpoint. | ||||
mapping | mapping mandatory JSON Mapping from columns (Excel/CSV) to fields in CashCtrl. This is a JSON array
List mapping fields
Lists the fields available in CashCtrl for mapping. Used in the Define mapping endpoint.
Preview import
Previews the imported people. Returns a list of people that will be imported. This step can be omitted.
id | id mandatory NUMBER Import session ID from the Create endpoint. |
Execute import
Executes the importing of people from the import session.
id | id mandatory NUMBER Import session ID from the Create endpoint. |
indexes | indexes optional CSV Index numbers of people to import, comma-separated. All other people are ignored. You can get the indexes from the JSON response of the Preview endpoint. Omit this parameter to import all people. |
The following API endpoints are for managing titles (forms of addressing people). A title is for example 'Mr.', 'Mrs.' or 'Dr.' and also contains gender and letter salutation.
Read title
Returns a single title by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List titles
Returns a list of all titles.
Create title
Creates a new title. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the title (i.e. the actual title). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
gender | gender optional TEXT The person's biological gender (male or female). Possible values: MALE, FEMALE. |
sentence | sentence optional TEXT MAX:250 The letter salutation (e.g. 'Dear Mr.', etc.). May be used in mail. |
Update title
Updates an existing title. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the title to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the title (i.e. the actual title). This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
gender | gender optional TEXT The person's biological gender (male or female). Possible values: MALE, FEMALE. |
sentence | sentence optional TEXT MAX:250 The letter salutation (e.g. 'Dear Mr.', etc.). May be used in mail. |
Delete titles
Deletes one or multiple titles. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoint is for reading the report tree. This tree/list contains all of the instanced report collections with child elements and direct elements. A report collection is a collection of report elements which are grouped together and form one document, see Report collection. A report element is the actual report, for example the balance sheet or profit and loss statement, see Report element.
Get tree of reports
Returns a tree of all instanced reports containing collections and elements.
The following API endpoints are for managing report collections. Report collections can contain multiple report elements, which are the actual reports (see Report element). So a report collection is basically like a group or a folder. A collection of reports can be viewed or downloaded as one document in PDF or other formats.
Read collection
Returns a single collection by ID. This is the collection configuration and also returns all the report elements contained in this collection (their configuration, no data).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Create collection
Creates a new collection. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:255 Name / title of the report collection. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||||||
config | config optional JSON Configuration options. This is a JSON object
| ||||||||||||||||||
text | text optional HTML Text / description for the report collection. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Update collection
Updates an existing collection. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the collection to update. | ||||||||||||||||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:255 Name / title of the report collection. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||||||||||||
config | config optional JSON Configuration options. This is a JSON object
| ||||||||||||||||||
text | text optional HTML Text / description for the report collection. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Delete collections
Deletes one or multiple collections. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Reorder collections
Changes the order of one or multiple collections. This is the order in which the report collections are displayed in the Report tree. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to reorder, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target entry. The entries (see |
before | before optional BOOLEAN Reorder before the target entry, after otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. |
Read meta data
Returns the meta data (title, text, etc.) of a single collection by ID for the given time period.
setId | setId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the set. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download PDF
Downloads the PDF file for a report collection by ID and time period.
collectionId | collectionId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the collection. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download CSV
Downloads a ZIP file containing the CSV files for a report collection by ID and time period.
collectionId | collectionId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the collection. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download Excel
Downloads the Excel file for a report collection by ID and time period. Each report element is a worksheet within the Excel file.
collectionId | collectionId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the collection. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download annual report
Downloads the PDF file for the annual report (balance sheet and profit and loss statement by default).
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. |
The following API endpoints are for managing report elements. Report elements are instances of report types like the balance sheet or the profit and loss statement. This means you can have multiple balance sheets with different configurations. Report elements can also be grouped together in sets, see Report collection.
Read element
Returns a single element by ID. This is the element configuration and does not contain any report data.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Create element
Creates a new element. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
collectionId | collectionId optional NUMBER Optional ID of a report collection, to include this element in the collection. | ||||||||
columns | columns optional JSON Columns to display, for reports with dynamic columns (not every report). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||
config | config optional JSON Configuration options specific for each report type. We cannot document all possible configuration options here, but you can check the parameters that CashCtrl sends when saving a report config in the browser's developer console (Network tab). This is a JSON object | ||||||||
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER File associated with the report element (e.g. image for the 'Text & Image' report). | ||||||||
isHideTitle | isHideTitle optional BOOLEAN Hide title of the report. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||
isPageBreak | isPageBreak optional BOOLEAN Page break before the report (for PDF). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||
name | name optional TEXT MAX:50 Name / title of the report. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||
text | text optional HTML Text / description for the report. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Update element
Updates an existing element. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element to update. | ||||||||
collectionId | collectionId optional NUMBER Optional ID of a report collection, to include this element in the collection. | ||||||||
columns | columns optional JSON Columns to display, for reports with dynamic columns (not every report). This is a JSON array
| ||||||||
config | config optional JSON Configuration options specific for each report type. We cannot document all possible configuration options here, but you can check the parameters that CashCtrl sends when saving a report config in the browser's developer console (Network tab). This is a JSON object | ||||||||
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER File associated with the report element (e.g. image for the 'Text & Image' report). | ||||||||
isHideTitle | isHideTitle optional BOOLEAN Hide title of the report. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||
isPageBreak | isPageBreak optional BOOLEAN Page break before the report (for PDF). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||||
name | name optional TEXT MAX:50 Name / title of the report. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||||||
text | text optional HTML Text / description for the report. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
Delete elements
Deletes one or multiple elements. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Reorder elements
Changes the order of one or multiple elements. This is the order in which the report elements are displayed in the Report tree. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to reorder, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target entry. The entries (see |
before | before optional BOOLEAN Reorder before the target entry, after otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. |
Read JSON data
Returns the JSON data of a single element by ID for the given time period.
elementId | elementId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Read HTML data
Returns the HTML data of a single element by ID for the given time period.
elementId | elementId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Read meta data
Returns the JSON meta data (title, text, etc.) of a single element by ID for the given time period.
elementId | elementId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download PDF
Downloads the PDF file for a single element by ID and time period.
elementId | elementId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download CSV
Downloads the CSV file for a single element by ID and time period.
elementId | elementId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Download Excel
Downloads the Excel file for a single element by ID and time period.
elementId | elementId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the element. |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
fiscalPeriod | fiscalPeriod optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period. This overrides the |
language | language optional TEXT The language of the report. |
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date of the report period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Book entry
The following API endpoints are for managing salary book entries. These are all the journal book entries that are created for a salary statement, either automatically from salary types or manually from payments. Automatically created book entries cannot be manipulated directly, only by changing the salary types.
Read book entry
Returns a single book entry by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List book entries
Returns a list of book entries for an order.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Create book entry
Creates a new book entry. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
creditId | creditId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the credit side. See Account. |
debitId | debitId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the debit side. See Account. |
statementIds | statementIds mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple salary statements, comma-separated. See Salary statement. |
statusId | statusId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the new status for the salary statement(s). See Salary status. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER The amount of the book entry (e.g. 125.50). Leave empty to use open amount of salary statement. |
date | date optional DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:200 The description of the book entry. |
reference | reference optional TEXT An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. |
status | status optional TEXT $status |
Update book entry
Updates an existing book entry. Note that you cannot update book entries that have been automatically created from salary types, only manually created book entries (payments). Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
creditId | creditId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the credit side. See Account. |
debitId | debitId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the account on the debit side. See Account. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the book entry to update. |
statusId | statusId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the new status for the salary statement(s). See Salary status. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER The amount of the book entry (e.g. 125.50). Leave empty to use open amount of salary statement. |
date | date optional DATE The date of the book entry. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
description | description optional TEXT MAX:200 The description of the book entry. |
reference | reference optional TEXT An optional reference / receipt for the book entry. |
status | status optional TEXT $status |
Delete book entries
Deletes one or multiple book entries. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary categories. These are used to categorize salary types, so that salary types are a bit easier to find (for example in menus). There isn't more to this.
Read category
Returns a single category by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List categories
Returns a list of categories.
List categories as tree
Returns a hierarchical tree of categories.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
Create category
Creates a new category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 A number to order by. Must be numeric but can contain a decimal point. Is solely used for ordering, not displayed. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Update category
Updates an existing category. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:50 The name of the category. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 A number to order by. Must be numeric but can contain a decimal point. Is solely used for ordering, not displayed. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent category. |
Delete categories
Deletes one or multiple existing categories. Note that you can only delete empty categories. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary certificates. Salary certificates are automatically generated from salary statements and thus they can only be read and updated, but not created. Updating a salary certificate can only affect its custom fields and notes, everything else is generated.
Read certificate
Returns a single salary certificate by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary certificate. |
List certificates
Returns a list of salary certificates.
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateEnd'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the salary certificate list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateEnd'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the salary certificate list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateEnd'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the salary certificate list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'dateEnd'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Update certificate
Updates an existing salary certificate. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary certificate to update. |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
valuesLocal | valuesLocal optional JSON Values to print directly on the salary certificate. This overrides any values set on the employee, which in turn overrides any values set on the salary certificate template. This is a map of code -> value, for example: {"F": true, "2.3a": "Bonus"} |
Certificate document
The following API endpoints are for managing salary certificate documents. This API is not used to manage salary certificates themselves, but the reading, downloading and mailing of the PDF document.
Read document
Returns a single document by salary certificate ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary certificate. |
Download PDF
Downloads one or multiple documents in one PDF file.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple salary certificates, comma-separated. |
Download ZIP
Downloads one or multiple documents in a ZIP file (one PDF for each document).
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple salary certificates, comma-separated. |
Mail document
Sends a document per e-mail to the desired recipient(s).
certificateIds | certificateIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the salary certificates to send as mail, comma-separated. See Salary certificate. |
mailFrom | mailFrom mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The sender / from e-mail address. |
mailSubject | mailSubject mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject. Can contain variables. |
mailText | mailText mandatory TEXT The mail text. Can contain variables. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
isCopyToMe | isCopyToMe optional BOOLEAN Send a copy to me? (the sender, see |
mailBcc | mailBcc optional TEXT The BCC (blind carbon copy) e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. |
mailCc | mailCc optional TEXT The CC (carbon copy) e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. |
mailTo | mailTo optional TEXT The recipient e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. Leave empty to use the default e-mail address of the recipient. |
Certificate template
The following API endpoints are for managing salary certificate templates. These templates define how the salary certificate form (Form 11 in Switzerland) is filled in.
Read template
Returns a single template by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the template. |
List templates
Returns a list of templates.
List templates as tree
Returns a hierarchical tree of templates.
Create template
Creates a new template. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the template. |
elements | elements optional JSON List of text elements that will be displayed on top of the form. |
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER The file containing the salary certificate form. Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as the default template to use. Possible values: true, false. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as inactive. Inactive templates are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. |
mailSubject | mailSubject optional TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject (when sending the salary certificate via e-mail). Can contain variables. |
mailTemplateId | mailTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the mail body text (when sending the salary certificate via e-mail). |
orgLocationId | orgLocationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location (for the organization's address and phone number). |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent template to inherit from. PDF and elements will be inherited from the parent. |
Update template
Updates an existing template. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the template to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the template. |
elements | elements optional JSON List of text elements that will be displayed on top of the form. |
fileId | fileId optional NUMBER The file containing the salary certificate form. Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as the default template to use. Possible values: true, false. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as inactive. Inactive templates are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. |
mailSubject | mailSubject optional TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject (when sending the salary certificate via e-mail). Can contain variables. |
mailTemplateId | mailTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the mail body text (when sending the salary certificate via e-mail). |
orgLocationId | orgLocationId optional NUMBER The ID of the location (for the organization's address and phone number). |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent template to inherit from. PDF and elements will be inherited from the parent. |
Delete templates
Deletes one or multiple template. Note that you can only delete templates that aren't used. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary statement documents. This API is not used to manage salary statements themselves, but the reading, downloading and mailing of the PDF document.
Read document
Returns a single document by salary statement ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary statement. |
Download PDF
Downloads one or multiple documents in one PDF file.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple salary statements, comma-separated. |
Download ZIP
Downloads one or multiple documents in a ZIP file (one PDF for each document).
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple salary statements, comma-separated. |
Mail document
Sends a document per e-mail to the desired recipient(s).
mailFrom | mailFrom mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The sender / from e-mail address. |
mailSubject | mailSubject mandatory TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject. Can contain variables. |
mailText | mailText mandatory TEXT The mail text. Can contain variables. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
statementIds | statementIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the salary statements to send as mail, comma-separated. See Salary statement. |
isCopyToMe | isCopyToMe optional BOOLEAN Send a copy to me? (the sender, see |
mailBcc | mailBcc optional TEXT The BCC (blind carbon copy) e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. |
mailCc | mailCc optional TEXT The CC (carbon copy) e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. |
mailTo | mailTo optional TEXT The recipient e-mail address. You can enter multiple addresses comma-separated. Leave empty to use the default e-mail address of the recipient. |
sentStatusId | sentStatusId optional NUMBER The ID of the status to set on the salary statement after the mail has been sent. See Salary status. |
Update document
Updates an existing document. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary document to update. See Salary statement. |
footer | footer optional HTML The text displayed below the items list on the document used by default for salary statements. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
header | header optional HTML The text displayed above the items list on the document used by default for salary statements. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
layoutId | layoutId optional NUMBER The ID of the layout. See Salary layout. |
orgAddress | orgAddress optional TEXT MAX:255 The sender address formatted with line breaks. |
orgBankAccountId | orgBankAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the organization's bank account. See Bank account. |
orgLocationId | orgLocationId optional NUMBER The ID of the sender location. See Location. |
recipientAddress | recipientAddress optional TEXT MAX:255 The recipient address formatted with line breaks. |
recipientAddressId | recipientAddressId optional NUMBER The ID of the recipient address (person address). See Person. |
recipientBankAccountId | recipientBankAccountId optional NUMBER The ID of the recipient's bank account. |
The following API endpoints are for reading salary fields. Salary fields belong to salary types, so to create or update them, you have to create/update a Salary type. The endpoints here are only for reading and listing salary fields directly, for convenience.
Read field
Returns a single field by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the field. |
List fields
Returns a list of fields.
typeId | typeId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary type. |
Insurance type
The following API endpoints are for managing salary insurance types.
Read insurance type
Returns a single insurance type by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the insurance type. |
List insurance types
Returns a list of insurance types.
Create insurance type
Creates a new insurance type. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:40 The name of the insurance type. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
codes | codes optional TEXT A list of codes (like A1, A2, etc.). This is a JSON array
| ||||
description | description optional TEXT MAX:100 An optional description. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
Update insurance type
Updates an existing insurance type. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the insurance type to update. | ||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:40 The name of the insurance type. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
codes | codes optional TEXT A list of codes (like A1, A2, etc.). This is a JSON array
| ||||
description | description optional TEXT MAX:100 An optional description. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
Delete insurance types
Deletes one or multiple insurance types. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary layouts. Layouts define the look and feel of the Salary document.
Read layout
Returns a single layout by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List layouts
Returns a list of all layouts.
Create layout
Creates a new layout. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the layout. | ||||||
elements | elements optional JSON List of elements containing HTML/CSS snippets for the different parts of the layout.
| ||||||
footer | footer optional HTML The footer text, which is displayed at the bottom of the document. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||
isDisplayBase | isDisplayBase optional BOOLEAN Display base column? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayDocumentName | isDisplayDocumentName optional BOOLEAN Display document name (heading)? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayDocumentNr | isDisplayDocumentNr optional BOOLEAN Display document number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayEmployeeNr | isDisplayEmployeeNr optional BOOLEAN Display employee (person) number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayLogo | isDisplayLogo optional BOOLEAN Display logo? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayNr | isDisplayNr optional BOOLEAN Display salary type number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow | isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow optional BOOLEAN Display address of your own organization in address window? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPaymentDate | isDisplayPaymentDate optional BOOLEAN Display payment date? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayQuantity | isDisplayQuantity optional BOOLEAN Display quantity column? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayRate | isDisplayRate optional BOOLEAN Display rate column? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplaySsn | isDisplaySsn optional BOOLEAN Display social security number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the layout as inactive. Inactive layouts are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
letterPaperFileId | letterPaperFileId optional NUMBER An optional letter paper to embed on every page (behind the text). Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||
logoHeight | logoHeight optional NUMBER MIN:0.1 MAX:9.0 The height of the logo in centimeters. | ||||||
pageSize | pageSize optional TEXT The page size of the document. Defaults to A4. Possible values: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, LEGAL, LETTER, A4R. | ||||||
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent layout to inherit from. Letter paper, HTML and CSS will be inherited from the parent. |
Update layout
Updates an existing layout. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the layout to update. | ||||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the layout. | ||||||
elements | elements optional JSON List of elements containing HTML/CSS snippets for the different parts of the layout.
| ||||||
footer | footer optional HTML The footer text, which is displayed at the bottom of the document. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||||
isDisplayBase | isDisplayBase optional BOOLEAN Display base column? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayDocumentName | isDisplayDocumentName optional BOOLEAN Display document name (heading)? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayDocumentNr | isDisplayDocumentNr optional BOOLEAN Display document number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayEmployeeNr | isDisplayEmployeeNr optional BOOLEAN Display employee (person) number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayLogo | isDisplayLogo optional BOOLEAN Display logo? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayNr | isDisplayNr optional BOOLEAN Display salary type number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow | isDisplayOrgAddressInWindow optional BOOLEAN Display address of your own organization in address window? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayPaymentDate | isDisplayPaymentDate optional BOOLEAN Display payment date? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayQuantity | isDisplayQuantity optional BOOLEAN Display quantity column? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplayRate | isDisplayRate optional BOOLEAN Display rate column? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isDisplaySsn | isDisplaySsn optional BOOLEAN Display social security number? Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the layout as inactive. Inactive layouts are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
letterPaperFileId | letterPaperFileId optional NUMBER An optional letter paper to embed on every page (behind the text). Supported type: PDF. Max. size: 500KB. Use the File API to upload a file and then use the file ID here. | ||||||
logoHeight | logoHeight optional NUMBER MIN:0.1 MAX:9.0 The height of the logo in centimeters. | ||||||
pageSize | pageSize optional TEXT The page size of the document. Defaults to A4. Possible values: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, LEGAL, LETTER, A4R. | ||||||
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent layout to inherit from. Letter paper, HTML and CSS will be inherited from the parent. |
Delete layouts
Deletes one or multiple layouts. Note that you cannot delete system layouts, only manually created ones. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for creating and downloading payment orders. Note that this does not create any book entries, for that see Book entries. Here we are either creating an ISO 20022 pain.001 file or a PDF to download. The pain.001 file can be used in e-banking to automatically process multiple payments. Please first use the Create endpoint (don't skip this!), and then the Download endpoint.
Create payment
Creates a new payment. This must first be executed before downloading the pain.001 or PDF file with the next endpoint, otherwise we won't be able to match the payments from a camt.052/053/054 file later on. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
date | date mandatory DATE The execution date for the payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
statementIds | statementIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected salary statements, comma-separated. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER A partial payment amount per salary statement. Leave empty to pay all open amounts. |
salaryStatements | salaryStatements optional JSON $salaryStatements |
status | status optional TEXT $status |
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the new status for the salary statement. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of payment and file to generate. Defaults to PAIN (pain.001). Possible values: PAIN, SEPA_PAIN, WIRE_PDF, CASH_PDF. |
Download file
Downloads the pain.001 or PDF file. Please use the create endpoint first, and then use the same parameters to download the file here. Returns a file.
date | date mandatory DATE The execution date for the payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
statementIds | statementIds mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected salary statements, comma-separated. |
amount | amount optional NUMBER A partial payment amount per salary statement. Leave empty to pay all open amounts. |
salaryStatements | salaryStatements optional JSON $salaryStatements |
status | status optional TEXT $status |
statusId | statusId optional NUMBER The ID of the new status for the salary statement. |
type | type optional TEXT The type of payment and file to generate. Defaults to PAIN (pain.001). Possible values: PAIN, SEPA_PAIN, WIRE_PDF, CASH_PDF. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary settings (global values). This is a list of global values that can be accessed via variable (e.g. $myGlobalValue) in salary formulas, for example in the calculation of a salary type or pre-calculation within a salary type. Can also be displayed as a column in certain salary reports, or used in the calculation of a custom column.
Read setting
Returns a single setting by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List settings
Returns a list of all settings.
Create setting
Creates a new setting. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the setting. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
variableName | variableName mandatory TEXT MIN:2 MAX:32 The variable name used in calculations. Must start with |
boolValue | boolValue optional BOOLEAN The boolean value (if type is |
decimalValue | decimalValue optional NUMBER The decimal value (if type is |
isPercentage | isPercentage optional BOOLEAN Whether the decimal value is a percentage or not (if type is |
textValue | textValue optional TEXT MAX:255 The text value (if type is |
type | type optional TEXT The data type of the setting. Possible values: TEXT, BOOLEAN, DECIMAL. |
Update setting
Updates an existing setting. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the setting to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the setting. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
variableName | variableName mandatory TEXT MIN:2 MAX:32 The variable name used in calculations. Must start with |
boolValue | boolValue optional BOOLEAN The boolean value (if type is |
decimalValue | decimalValue optional NUMBER The decimal value (if type is |
isPercentage | isPercentage optional BOOLEAN Whether the decimal value is a percentage or not (if type is |
textValue | textValue optional TEXT MAX:255 The text value (if type is |
type | type optional TEXT The data type of the setting. Possible values: TEXT, BOOLEAN, DECIMAL. |
Delete settings
Deletes one or multiple settings. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary statements.
Read statement
Returns a single statement by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List statements
Returns a list of statements.
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the statements list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the statements list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the statements list.
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'DESC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
fiscalPeriodId | fiscalPeriodId optional NUMBER The ID of the fiscal period, from which we retrieve the entries. | ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
personId | personId optional NUMBER Optional ID of an employee to filter by. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'date'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Create statement
Creates a new statement. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
date | date mandatory DATE The date of the salary statement. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
datePayment | datePayment mandatory DATE The date of payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
personId | personId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the person (employee). |
statusId | statusId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the current status. |
templateId | templateId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the template. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. |
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next salary statement will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next salary statement created on the start date itself. See |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
insurances | insurances optional JSON List of insurances. Whether an insurance is mandatory or not depends on the used salary types (see |
message | message optional TEXT MAX:50 A message for the payment recipient (included in the pain xml file). |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See |
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See |
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether to send a notification e-mail when salary statements have been created or not. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. |
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See |
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The salary statement number (e.g. 'LA-202401201'). Leave empty to generate the number with |
recalculate | recalculate optional BOOLEAN If |
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the salary statement should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the salary statement. See also |
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the salary statement number (see |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
types | types optional JSON The list of salary types. |
valuesLocal | valuesLocal optional JSON A JSON object containing each salary type's field values. This is a simple key/value pair map (the key being the variable name). |
Update statement
Updates an existing statement. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
date | date mandatory DATE The date of the salary statement. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
datePayment | datePayment mandatory DATE The date of payment. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary statement to update. |
personId | personId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the person (employee). |
statusId | statusId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the current status. |
templateId | templateId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the template. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. |
currencyRate | currencyRate optional NUMBER The exchange rate from foreign currency to main currency. Only required if the currency is not supported or if you want to use a different rate than suggested. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. They are stored as XML in this parameter. Example: |
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next salary statement will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next salary statement created on the start date itself. See |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
insurances | insurances optional JSON List of insurances. Whether an insurance is mandatory or not depends on the used salary types (see |
message | message optional TEXT MAX:50 A message for the payment recipient (included in the pain xml file). |
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. |
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See |
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See |
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether to send a notification e-mail when salary statements have been created or not. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. |
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See |
nr | nr optional TEXT MAX:50 The salary statement number (e.g. 'LA-202401201'). Leave empty to generate the number with |
recalculate | recalculate optional BOOLEAN If |
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the salary statement should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the salary statement. See also |
sequenceNumberId | sequenceNumberId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used to generate the salary statement number (see |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence (see Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
types | types optional JSON The list of salary types. |
valuesLocal | valuesLocal optional JSON A JSON object containing each salary type's field values. This is a simple key/value pair map (the key being the variable name). |
Update status
Updates the status of an existing statement by statement ID. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of one or multiple salary statements, comma-separated. |
statusId | statusId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the new status. |
Update recurrence
Updates the recurrence of an existing statement by statement ID. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary statement. |
daysBefore | daysBefore optional NUMBER The next salary statement will be created X days before the start date. Leave empty or set to 0 to have the next salary statement created on the start date itself. See |
endDate | endDate optional DATE The end date for the recurrence. Salary statements repeat automatically up until this date, when the recurrence will stop. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
notifyEmail | notifyEmail optional TEXT The e-mail address to send a notification to. See |
notifyPersonId | notifyPersonId optional NUMBER The ID of the person to send a notification to. See |
notifyType | notifyType optional TEXT Whether or not to send a notification e-mail when salary statements have been created. Leave empty to not send any notification. Possible values: NONE, USER, PERSON, RESPONSIBLE_PERSON, EMAIL. |
notifyUserId | notifyUserId optional NUMBER The ID of the user to send a notification to. See |
recurrence | recurrence optional TEXT The interval of how often the salary statement should be automatically repeated. Leave empty to not repeat the salary statement (or to remove recurrence). Possible values: MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY, YEARLY, SEMESTRAL, QUARTERLY, BI_MONTHLY, BI_WEEKLY. |
startDate | startDate optional DATE The start date for the recurrence. This is the date when the salary statement will be repeated next. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
Delete statements
Deletes one or multiple statements. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Calculates all of the values and items on a salary statement using the formulas from salary types and pre-calculations.
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency. Leave empty to use the default currency. |
custom | custom optional XML Custom field values. |
date | date optional DATE The date of the salary statement. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
datePayment | datePayment optional DATE The payment date of the salary statement. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Example: |
id | id optional NUMBER Optional ID of the existing salary statement. |
personId | personId optional NUMBER The ID of the employee. |
recalculate | recalculate optional BOOLEAN If |
templateId | templateId optional NUMBER The salary template to inherit values from. Those values are overriden by |
types | types optional JSON The salary types to calculate the values for. All other salary types won't be calculated. |
valuesLocal | valuesLocal optional TEXT The values set directly on the salary statement, used for calculation. |
The following API endpoints are for managing the salary status list.
Read status
Returns a single status by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List status
Returns a list of status.
Create status
Creates a new status. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
icon | icon mandatory TEXT The icon/color of the status. Possible values: BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, BLACK, GRAY, BROWN, VIOLET, PINK. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:40 The name of the status. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
actionId | actionId optional TEXT An action associated with the status, i.e. what happens after I change the status to this? Possible values: CREATE_PAYMENT_ORDER, BOOK_PAYMENT, SEND_MAIL. |
isBook | isBook optional BOOLEAN Whether journal book entries will be created with this status. For example, the status 'Draft' will not create any book entries, but all the other statuses after that ('Open', 'Paid', etc.) will. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isClosed | isClosed optional BOOLEAN Whether the status closes / completes the salary statement. This would be the case, for example, if the salary has been fully paid. The effect is that the salary is no longer due, even if past the due date (so no longer marked red). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Update status
Updates an existing status. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
icon | icon mandatory TEXT The icon/color of the status. Possible values: BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, BLACK, GRAY, BROWN, VIOLET, PINK. |
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the status to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:40 The name of the status. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
actionId | actionId optional TEXT An action associated with the status, i.e. what happens after I change the status to this? Possible values: CREATE_PAYMENT_ORDER, BOOK_PAYMENT, SEND_MAIL. |
isBook | isBook optional BOOLEAN Whether journal book entries will be created with this status. For example, the status 'Draft' will not create any book entries, but all the other statuses after that ('Open', 'Paid', etc.) will. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
isClosed | isClosed optional BOOLEAN Whether the status closes / completes the salary statement. This would be the case, for example, if the salary has been fully paid. The effect is that the salary is no longer due, even if past the due date (so no longer marked red). Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. |
Delete status
Deletes one or multiple status. Note that you cannot delete a status that is used. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
Reorder status
Changes the order of one or multiple status. This is the order in which the status are displayed. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to reorder, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target entry. The entries (see |
before | before optional BOOLEAN Reorder before the target entry, after otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary sums.
Read sum
Returns a single sum by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List sums
Returns a list of sums.
Create sum
Creates a new sum. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the sum. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
variableName | variableName mandatory TEXT MAX:32 The variable name used in calculations. Must start with |
isDisplayColumn | isDisplayColumn optional BOOLEAN Display this sum as a column in the salary type master report by default? Possible values: true, false. |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 An optional number, for sorting. |
Update sum
Updates an existing sum. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the sum to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the sum. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: |
variableName | variableName mandatory TEXT MAX:32 The variable name used in calculations. Must start with |
isDisplayColumn | isDisplayColumn optional BOOLEAN Display this sum as a column in the salary type master report by default? Possible values: true, false. |
number | number optional TEXT MAX:20 An optional number, for sorting. |
Delete sum
Deletes one or multiple sums. Note that you cannot delete system sums. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary templates. They are templates for salary statements, where you can pre-configure salary types, insurances and values. Templates are hierarchical and inherit all of their properties, salary types, insurances and values from their parent. Salary statements must use a template, so at least one template must exist.
Read template
Returns a single template by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List templates
Returns a list of templates.
List templates as tree
Returns a hierarchical tree of templates.
Create template
Creates a new template. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the template. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency to use in salary statements. |
dayOfMonth | dayOfMonth optional NUMBER MIN:1.0 MAX:31.0 The day of month used for generating the salary statement date. Leave empty to use today instead. |
footerTemplateId | footerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the text below the table (on the salary statement PDF). |
headerTemplateId | headerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the text above the table (on the salary statement PDF). |
insurances | insurances optional JSON List of insurances defined in this template. |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as the default template to use. Possible values: true, false. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as inactive. Inactive templates are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. |
layoutId | layoutId optional NUMBER The ID of the layout for the salary statement PDF. |
mailSubject | mailSubject optional TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject (when sending the salary statement via e-mail). Can contain variables. |
mailTemplateId | mailTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the mail body text (when sending the salary statement via e-mail). |
message | message optional TEXT MAX:50 A message for the payment recipient (included in the pain.001 xml file). |
notes | notes optional TEXT $notes |
orgLocationId | orgLocationId optional NUMBER The ID of your organization's location. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent template to inherit from. |
paymentDayOfMonth | paymentDayOfMonth optional NUMBER MIN:1.0 MAX:31.0 The day of month used for generating the salary statement payment date. Leave empty to use today instead. |
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for salary statements using this template. See Sequence number. |
types | types optional JSON List of salary types defined in this template. |
valuesLocal | valuesLocal optional JSON A JSON object containing each salary type's field values. This is a simple key/value pair map (the key being the variable name). |
Update template
Updates an existing template. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the template to update. |
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 A name to describe and identify the template. |
currencyId | currencyId optional NUMBER The ID of the currency to use in salary statements. |
dayOfMonth | dayOfMonth optional NUMBER MIN:1.0 MAX:31.0 The day of month used for generating the salary statement date. Leave empty to use today instead. |
footerTemplateId | footerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the text below the table (on the salary statement PDF). |
headerTemplateId | headerTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the text above the table (on the salary statement PDF). |
insurances | insurances optional JSON List of insurances defined in this template. |
isDefault | isDefault optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as the default template to use. Possible values: true, false. |
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN Mark the template as inactive. Inactive templates are greyed out and are no longer suggested. Possible values: true, false. |
layoutId | layoutId optional NUMBER The ID of the layout for the salary statement PDF. |
mailSubject | mailSubject optional TEXT MAX:255 The mail subject (when sending the salary statement via e-mail). Can contain variables. |
mailTemplateId | mailTemplateId optional NUMBER The ID of the text template for the mail body text (when sending the salary statement via e-mail). |
message | message optional TEXT MAX:50 A message for the payment recipient (included in the pain.001 xml file). |
notes | notes optional TEXT $notes |
orgLocationId | orgLocationId optional NUMBER The ID of your organization's location. |
parentId | parentId optional NUMBER The ID of the parent template to inherit from. |
paymentDayOfMonth | paymentDayOfMonth optional NUMBER MIN:1.0 MAX:31.0 The day of month used for generating the salary statement payment date. Leave empty to use today instead. |
sequenceNrId | sequenceNrId optional NUMBER The ID of the sequence number used for salary statements using this template. See Sequence number. |
types | types optional JSON List of salary types defined in this template. |
valuesLocal | valuesLocal optional JSON A JSON object containing each salary type's field values. This is a simple key/value pair map (the key being the variable name). |
Delete templates
Deletes one or multiple existing templates. Note that you cannot delete a template that is used or has children. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |
The following API endpoints are for managing salary types. Salary types are used in salary templates and statements to calculate the items on the salary statement. They can contain input fields and pre-calculations to help calculate their returned value. In the calculation of a salary type you have access to all previous (meaning: lower number) salary type values and their input field values and pre-calculation values, as well as global values via variables (e.g. $myVariable). Also, salary types are categorized.
Read type
Returns a single type by ID.
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the entry. |
List types
Returns a list of types.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active salary types. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyChildren | onlyChildren optional BOOLEAN Only include direct children of the category (without grandchildren). See | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to Excel
Returns an Excel file of the types list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active salary types. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyChildren | onlyChildren optional BOOLEAN Only include direct children of the category (without grandchildren). See | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to CSV
Returns a CSV file of the types list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active salary types. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyChildren | onlyChildren optional BOOLEAN Only include direct children of the category (without grandchildren). See | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Export to PDF
Returns a PDF file of the types list.
categoryId | categoryId optional NUMBER The ID of the category to filter by. | ||||||
columns | columns optional CSV The columns to include in the list, comma-separated. Check the list.json for available column names. | ||||||
dir | dir optional TEXT The direction of the sort order (ascending or descending). Defaults to 'ASC'. Possible values: ASC, DESC. | ||||||
filter | filter optional JSON An array of filters to filter the list. All filters must match (AND). This is a JSON array
| ||||||
limit | limit optional NUMBER The number of entries to retrieve. Defaults to 100. | ||||||
onlyActive | onlyActive optional BOOLEAN Flag to include only active salary types. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyChildren | onlyChildren optional BOOLEAN Only include direct children of the category (without grandchildren). See | ||||||
onlyCostCenters | onlyCostCenters optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with cost centers. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
onlyNotes | onlyNotes optional BOOLEAN Flag to only include entries with notes. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||||
query | query optional TEXT Fulltext search query. | ||||||
sort | sort optional TEXT The column to sort the list by. Defaults to 'number'. | ||||||
start | start optional NUMBER The starting entry. Defaults to 0. |
Create type
Creates a new type. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category. See Salary category. | ||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the salary type. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
number | number mandatory TEXT MAX:20 The salary type number. | ||||
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of the type ;-) Is the amount of the salary type added or subtracted? Possible values: ADDITION, SUBTRACTION. | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers. This is a JSON array
| ||||
base | base optional TEXT MAX:32 The base amount, for display purposes only, not used for calculation. Is displayed on the salary statement. | ||||
calculation | calculation optional TEXT The amount of the salary statement is calculated here. Can contain a formula with limited JavaScript code. | ||||
certificateCode | certificateCode optional TEXT MAX:10 The salary certificate code to add the result of this salary type to. | ||||
creditId | creditId optional NUMBER The ID of the financial account on the credit side. This account will be used to generate the book entries. | ||||
debitId | debitId optional NUMBER The ID of the financial account on the debit side. This account will be used to generate the book entries. | ||||
fields | fields optional JSON Form fields for entering data in salary statements or templates, which is used in this salary type's | ||||
insuranceTypeId | insuranceTypeId optional NUMBER The ID of the corresponding insurance type. | ||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN An inactive salary type is no longer used and won't be available for use in a salary template or statement. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
isSchedulable | isSchedulable optional BOOLEAN Whether the salary type can be scheduled (active between start/end date in the salary statement) or not. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
isVisible | isVisible optional BOOLEAN A visible salary type is displayed on the salary statement, hidden otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||
preCalculations | preCalculations optional JSON Pre-calculations that are each stored in a variable, which can be used in the salary type's main | ||||
quantity | quantity optional TEXT MAX:32 The quantity, for display purposes only, not used for calculation. Is displayed on the salary statement. | ||||
rate | rate optional TEXT MAX:32 The rate (percentage), for display purposes only, not used for calculation. Is displayed on the salary statement. | ||||
rowName | rowName optional TEXT MAX:100 The name of the salary type displayed on the salary statement (row name). Leave empty to use the This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
sums | sums optional JSON Include the salary type in the following sums. | ||||
variableName | variableName optional TEXT MIN:2 MAX:32 The name of the variable, in which the result of the |
Update type
Updates an existing type. Returns either a success or multiple error messages (for each issue).
categoryId | categoryId mandatory NUMBER The ID of the category. See Salary category. | ||||
id | id mandatory NUMBER The ID of the salary type to update. | ||||
name | name mandatory TEXT MAX:100 The name of the salary type. This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
number | number mandatory TEXT MAX:20 The salary type number. | ||||
type | type mandatory TEXT The type of the type ;-) Is the amount of the salary type added or subtracted? Possible values: ADDITION, SUBTRACTION. | ||||
allocations | allocations optional JSON Allocations to cost centers. This is a JSON array
| ||||
base | base optional TEXT MAX:32 The base amount, for display purposes only, not used for calculation. Is displayed on the salary statement. | ||||
calculation | calculation optional TEXT The amount of the salary statement is calculated here. Can contain a formula with limited JavaScript code. | ||||
certificateCode | certificateCode optional TEXT MAX:10 The salary certificate code to add the result of this salary type to. | ||||
creditId | creditId optional NUMBER The ID of the financial account on the credit side. This account will be used to generate the book entries. | ||||
debitId | debitId optional NUMBER The ID of the financial account on the debit side. This account will be used to generate the book entries. | ||||
fields | fields optional JSON Form fields for entering data in salary statements or templates, which is used in this salary type's | ||||
insuranceTypeId | insuranceTypeId optional NUMBER The ID of the corresponding insurance type. | ||||
isInactive | isInactive optional BOOLEAN An inactive salary type is no longer used and won't be available for use in a salary template or statement. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
isSchedulable | isSchedulable optional BOOLEAN Whether the salary type can be scheduled (active between start/end date in the salary statement) or not. Defaults to false. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
isVisible | isVisible optional BOOLEAN A visible salary type is displayed on the salary statement, hidden otherwise. Defaults to true. Possible values: true, false. | ||||
notes | notes optional HTML Some optional notes. This can contain limited HTML for styling. Allowed tags: a, p, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, li, blockquote, b, i, s, u, o, sup, sub, ins, del, strong, strike, tt, code, big, small, br, span, em. Allowed inline CSS rules: background, background-color, color, font, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-align, text-indent, text-decoration. | ||||
preCalculations | preCalculations optional JSON Pre-calculations that are each stored in a variable, which can be used in the salary type's main | ||||
quantity | quantity optional TEXT MAX:32 The quantity, for display purposes only, not used for calculation. Is displayed on the salary statement. | ||||
rate | rate optional TEXT MAX:32 The rate (percentage), for display purposes only, not used for calculation. Is displayed on the salary statement. | ||||
rowName | rowName optional TEXT MAX:100 The name of the salary type displayed on the salary statement (row name). Leave empty to use the This can contain localized text. To add values in multiple languages, use the XML format like this: | ||||
sums | sums optional JSON Include the salary type in the following sums. | ||||
variableName | variableName optional TEXT MIN:2 MAX:32 The name of the variable, in which the result of the |
Categorize types
Assigns one or multiple types to the desired category. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the entries to categorize, comma-separated. |
target | target mandatory NUMBER The ID of the target category. |
Delete types
Deletes one or multiple types. Note that you can only delete types that aren't used. Returns either a success or error message.
ids | ids mandatory CSV The IDs of the selected entries, comma-separated. |